Achievements in Quantum Entanglement.

Achievements in Quantum Entanglement.

Scientists around the world including researchers in the Netherlands, China and the United States are demonstrating that it is possible to send quantum bits over fiber optic cables over long distances, unlike the Aryan bits used today that travel as light signals inside cables. fiber optics, quantum bits or qbits are extremely fragile, just trying to read them already alters their state. This means that the qubits cannot simply be amplified to travel long distances as we do with traditional light signals, however, to solve this problem and To accelerate the arrival of quantum internet, it is necessary to use the fiber optic network.

The team from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands managed to encode qubits in the electrons of nitrogen atoms and in the nuclear states of carbon atoms in small diamond crystals, sending these qubits through 40 km of optical fiber to another laboratory in The Hague Establishing a quantum connection, in the United States Marko Lončar of Harvard University used devices based on diamond with silicon atoms, they established a record to demonstrate quantum entanglement in two quantum memory nodes separated by a fiber optic link of more 35 km long.

This approach, known as photon-mediated entanglement, allowed an entangled photon to transfer this state to another node after traveling down the fiber optic cable and now in China at the Pan Jian-Wei University of Science and Technology Pan and his team encoded qubits In clouds of rubidium atoms demonstrated quantum entanglement in three laboratories separated by at least 9 km, Jian-Wei Panp revealed that his laboratory will be able to achieve entanglement of more than 960 km by the end of the decade, an important feat that opens doors for several Applications.

This could include securely transferring information with graphical cryptographic keys, connecting quantum computers to create a supercomputer, or even unifying a network of telescopes to form a giant antenna.

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