When Things Go Bad, Caught On Camera Part 420


What's good Weed Nerds? 10 day's has passed since the last update. He is starting to flower, with clusters filling up. From the distance you can squint your eyes, and it looks like a female. But no Sensi for me. I am stuck with this dude. It really isn't so bad. After all if it was a female, I am sure bud rot would be sitting in. It is just the way it is growing here in the back balcony. But I am enjoying his company, and loving having to look at a cannabis plant when I open the blinds in the morning. Not to mention he smells really good too ;)

Here he is on one of these mornings. Basking in the first light of the day. Which for him is a little bit before 10am! in those early morning hours he is sitting in the mist from the fog that rolls in from the coast. If it where in the open he would get a good dose of sun, and dry off. But hey that's alright with me, he can take it.

Even this snail does not bother me. Now if I had a female, I would be super protective, and be going ape shit over this. But that's not the case. I can just admire this little fella, and take it easy.

The weather has been on the warmer side lately, with a few cold days in between. It still is colder this time of the year then usual. So this means I do not have to water that often. I did hit with another dose of fish fertilizer the other day. That will make it only 2 times I have only fed. Makes it nice because that means more time for chilling.

As soon as things are going good, disaster strikes!

The aftermath

What happened was my son took a shower, and after he was done he yelled up saying there was water on the floor. I went up, and he took a shower with the curtain on the outside of the tub. So most of the water of his shower spilled out all over the bathroom. I dried it up, and was thinking it could of been worse.

Turns out it was as worse as it could of got! When I went downstairs water was dripping from the ceiling fan. Turns out some of that water seeped down, and was now dripping from the electrical enclosure of the ceiling fan. I rushed to get whatever was below, and then took the fan off.

After I took the fan off, the water stopped leaking. Still not the most ideal thing to have happened, but I was happy to have this done. At least I could go about cooking on my brand new BlackStone. As I went outside I noticed my plant was not there. I was like WTF!? Then this is when I noticed that it had fell off the table. It must of happened when I was franticly moving things outside, and I must of bumped into the table.

The above picture was taken the next day. He survived the fall! He did get beaten up, and even lost some soil in the process. Another reason why I am currently happy with growing a cannabis male plant.

He will have some scars from this fall. But it does show you how hardy these plants can be.

Not much pollen sacks have opened up yet.

Just a few here, and there. When more pollen starts to fall, I will start to collect, and store it. I am hoping to send some out to some fellow Hivers so they can pollinate one of their females. Like I said before this male stanks. It even is showing some nice purple hues, which may be something you like. I will keep a close eye out for any hermies over the next few weeks. Stress can bring out intersex characteristics in cannabis plants. Some plants easier then others. So who knows, maybe this fall is more of a blessing, than a curse. Stay tuned my friends. :)




Posted using WeedCash Network


I hope your neighbors don’t have females sitting outside… 😂


Nah no cannabis growers close by. I always joked around about if you had a neighbor you did not get along with, and they grew, it would be funny to have a male to seed their crop, lol. But I would never. ;)


Dam bro..... You need a 4 leaf clover, a horseshoe over a doorway or throw some salt over your shoulder! 😂😂😂 That sucks man but it could have been a lot worse! I'm glad you and your fam is alright. The plant looks awesome other then he's a he! Awesome that you're making the best of it all bro! Respect 👊


Lol! Yeah I'm so great full the fan wasn't on when this happened. Although not so sure of what may be growing there now. We did run the dehumidifier for a few days. And I need to stop pronasticating and try to do an auto before my sun light drys up.


Yikes, I was gonna say save some pollen, but wind can be unforgiving, maybe the stems in a cup might still flower :D


Sometimes unexpected things happen bro, but we just adapt and overcome :)
Can't wait to seed a female with some of that pollen ;)
