Gradual cultivation of beans plant and some specific required treatments for optimal yield



Beans crop is a highly protein-rich plants, it is a special legume versatile and nutritious that can be grown in various climates while it is easy to cultivate it also needs some special treatments to improve their yield and quality and I will delve into some of this special treatments in this blog post and also provide some tips for optimal growth.



The first specific point to note is the climate of the location where we are planting the beans, now although beans needs water to germinate and grow it doesn't always need water to produce what some beans need dew or small rainfall once a while. Heavy rainfall at the point of producing will most likely result in the beans fruit getting spoilt before it dries and is harvested.




To address this we plant at a point when we believe that the rain for the year is at the brink of stopping and we are moving close to dry season then we plant this period falls within the time of late August and early September.

Soil drainage

Like most leguminous plants beans does not like farm lands that is exposed to any form of water logging because it affects the plant so bad that it begins to turn yellow.

Soil fertility

Beans plant prefer highly soil rich farm organic matter so we have to incorporate this into the soil once a while.

There are other things to add to it but this three are the basic specifics that will push the beans farming to another level.

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