Manuel steps on a banana leftovers // A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words


I felt so sorry for your brother when I heard about what happened to him on his way going out.
"how is he now"

"He is fine"

Thank you dear friend for asking about him, his Mom has told Manuel about the banana leftovers at the entrance door but he could not pay attention to her, he believes since he put on Timberland shoe that he is firmly and nothing will make him fall but it was so bad that when he steps on the banana leftovers on the floor, it let him to slide side ways without him even grabbing a single thing to make him stand firm.

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He fall and hit his head, no one finds out about the situation since his mom and sisters were up stairs, Manuel was there on the floor for a longer time without going out to see his crops in the farm, his mother was coming down to take her washed clothes in and then she finds him on the floor, it was so not good as the mother did not know what to do, she managed to carry him up and Manuel was shouting that his waist and head are hurting him, he was taken to a hospital who admits him for three days till he recovered.

Louisa met with Bama, Manuel sister, she send her greetings to Manuel becuase she had heard of what happened to him, Louisa said so many things concerning what banana leftovers can do to someone who mistakenly steps on it on the floor, that she had see in news how that thing makes a man to fall and broke his legs but Manuel case was different because he only feels pains and nothing like his legs were broken.

Manuel left the hospital after he was successfully diagnosed and had to be watching his steps so that he would not steps on a banana leftovers on the floor, he didn't want the same thing to keep happening to him.


But Manuel was warned of the banana leftovers. He should've been careful in spite of his boots. Well, let's still say sorry to him. He should always be careful.


He fell down because he couldn't listened but he is careful now, thank you for saying this.


Why not pick up the banana peels or kick them aside? Good shoes aren't everything.

Thanks for joining pic1000👍
