How the national elections have affected Nigeria's economy and the welfare of the population

I am glad that, despite all the events in Nigeria, we are at least closer to the end of the day. The Nigerian national elections are said to begin on the 25th of this month, with five days to go as of today.

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Since the beginning of the year, the minds of Nigerians have been diverted away from home and focused on the national elections, which means that once they are held, people will focus on each of their occupations.

Right now in the country people are feeding themselves through the products they already have stored in the kitchen, the government has taken away more of the money in circulation so for people in the rural areas to start shopping now is not so easy.

People are not very happy with everything that is happening, at the moment the only thing that would make people happy is that the day is coming, which is after the elections, people will forget about the elections and focus on something else.

The underprivileged right now are not making impulse purchases, for a long time, I have been hearing ways to improve the economic situation of the country is through buying less, so I think there would be a big improvement towards growing the economy.

Because at the moment, people are not buying more because of lack of funds, I don't know if the super class people are buying more, that is to say the country's economy will improve, still, this policy should have gone the right way and not through causing so much suffering to the people of the country.

A few days ago some people were saying that the reason for the shortage of funds in circulation is that they want to make changes, fix things in the right place in Nigeria through this election, and I pray that Nigeria will be great, Africa will be great and the whole world will be great. Amen.

Thank you for your time, see you in my next post.
