Readjusting resources could mean saying no to oneself sometimes

One of the hard things to say and do is a 'no' to countless and ever-representing needs from people. Yet again, unless consciously imbibed, it's very difficult to say no to oneself, bearing in mind the vastness of the mind with an urging desire to want and perhaps want more. Here is the role of intentionally living within the simplicity of available resources, which could both be tangible and intangible.

Though times are hard, especially financially, it's a call to consciously adopt and adapt beyond a coping strategy, a lifestyle that meets contentment without enduring the times but enjoying it. My colleague was shocked at how I was able to give a straight response of lack of resources when a call came in with a request. I had to make her realize that we must learn to say no to people and things that are likely to draw us back into the very shadows we hoped to run away from. Truly, I didn't have, but I didn't have to give hope to the caller when I would not be able to meet up or even cause more harm to my budget.




Thankfully, my street is under renovations, and I have been parking my car at the office. I have had troubles with car parts like absorbers from the terrible terrain along my street. The breaking news is that my car chunks more than 50% of my salary, and keeping it parked at the office has drastically reduced my expenses while helping me adopt newer lifestyles like leaving home earlier than usual and also limiting my expenses on transportation to less than 10% of my salary. Unless where I have to go is important, the car stays put and undisturbed at the office, equally helping me avert the sedentary lifestyle by engaging in little walks to and from the office. Here is a lifestyle change strategy for me. Less comfort zone but, more money saved up for other needs and here, my body enjoys the exercises I have subjected it to. Here, I am able to channel resources to more pressing needs and even have some saved up for the rainy days.

Taking life slow in the midst of a fast and hazy economy has been my watchword. I am likely the individual to respond late to events, not because I do not keep them to heart, but because I understudy the challenge and weigh my needs as a priority. Believing that identifying problems is halfway through solutions, I am learning to consciously remind myself about the relevance of steps to take, especially when it comes to finances. Perhaps the best decision I took this year was to buy foodstuffs in bulk, even though it was inconvenient. The truth is that I love bulk buying because it is often cheaper, more like wholesale prices, and this has saved me a whole lot of financial burden during the recent price inflations.

The motorcycle can be faster to my destination sometimes.

Suffice to say that life is always adjustable to available resources and oftentimes, in a couple convenient ways. Nobody is immune to tough times or limited resources. The COVID-19🦠😷era was a clear indication that man could always adapt to newer ways of life by adjusting and adopting measures that we would naturally feel awkward to accept. So, it's not unusual to find me biking my way home or to the office when my car is available with no fault.

ME, taking tricycle home from work

I remember taking a walk home from my office sometime ago. The cab fare was ₦100, which I could conveniently pay for, but I trekked home, not rushing myself and enjoying the gentle breeze of the evening weather. These are times I have enjoyed the liberty of public transport. It had been a long while since I did such, and I had to remind myself of the need to step out of my comfort zones, exercise more often, take strolls to nearby places, live life minimally, and appreciate the simplicity therein.


Thus, marking out priority needs helps me adjust my expenses, convince myself about doing away with events that do not require urgent attention, and perhaps find alternative and lesser means of fulfilling my goals. This way, myself and loved ones attain a fair degree of satisfaction as a form of contentment.

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I admire how you've managed to find creative ways to save money while also improving your lifestyle. Parking your car at the office and walking more is such a practical idea! But how did you develop the habit of saying 'no' to unnecessary demands? Do you have any tips for someone struggling with this?

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Thank you for your warm comments. I'm grateful.

Saying no to yourself means you can say no to others. at least, you can't love others more than yourself. Needs and wants remain unlimited and perhaps, even keep getting worse. I remember failing severally while in medical school and though painful, I never gave up, kept grinding and trying. In life, we can become overwhelmed with excesses but what works for me is to take a pause especially when life's hazy and in a rush. Sometimes, I take a few steps to mentally analyze. Finding out the cause of any problem means you're halfway done. Once I am able to realize what destabilizes my finances, I deal with such by either finding alternate measures that would be less damaging than the former or cut it off totally. My mind is resolute, I didn't create problems and even when I'm no more, problems would exist. Thus, I do those things that are convenient especially in a comfortable atmosphere and this is where some people see or think that I am slow. But, I'd rather stay cautious than fall victim of wrong choices. Spontaneity comes occasionally but often times, I keep charge of the wheels of life.

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This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

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Thank you for this amazing compliment. I wish you a satisfying day.

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