Joint In The Evenin' - Heartache By The Number


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Shakespere, Sonnet 18

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

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It is important we place ourselves in various contexts in which we exist mentally. Often our personal experiences leave us focused on our personal environment and in that context we can lose sight of the larger context and greater purpose we have than our own amusement. Yesterday I provided service for most of the day to folks that needed my help and no one indicated they even had given any thought to my needs, or even to thanking me for the services I provided - but I learned that Idaho farmers have prevented their government from withholding from them the water they need to harvest the crops they have planted at great expense this spring.

Overall, then, everything is as it should be, and my stinging disappointment is illusory, because I have all I need and my craving for recognition is simply hubris and best denied. Every good has it's drawbacks, and none more than nookie, sadly. We learn by doing. Your friend is today motivated to consider things he too discounted prior to his rash. He will think more about consequences of his actions from now on. I'm happy to hear you more carefully consider your felicity than he - or I - did. I just wanted some steady benefits and plunged in without reckoning of consequence, and have endured the predictable consequences.

Having everything you owned stripped from you is an extreme lesson, but I doubt any lesser lesson would have reached my lizard brain which was leading me around. Your thoughtful consideration of yourself and your context again reveals the brighter future you will have than I had.

A fellow traveler once quoted me these lines he had penned, before our falling out.

'I live in times of dark despair.
The loneliness I hardly bear.
My poor, tired heart has ceased to feel
That hope for love is near, or real.'

We are not alone. We share the human condition, and are part of the immortal terrestrial life like every blade of grass and herbivore.



It is important we place ourselves in various contexts in which we exist mentally. Often our personal experiences leave us focused on our personal environment and in that context we can lose sight of the larger context and greater purpose we have than our own amusement.

Overall, then, everything is as it should be, and my stinging disappointment is illusory, because I have all I need and my craving for recognition is simply hubris and best denied. Every good has it's drawbacks, and none more than nookie, sadly. We learn by doing.

These two paragraphs stood out to me and I felt a tremendous wake-up lesson within. I'm glad you've also touched upon the human condition. How complex we make a simple piece of life out to be! It really does sober me to the fact that we bring our own drama, that happiness is an inside job, and that there isn't happiness in life....only happy moments.

I've also done things in regards to this subject of felicity that i'm not proud of. I will link you to an old video of mine.

This type of lifestyle, this one-night stand, casual adultery and careless wastage of personal dignity is naturally abhorrent to me, but due to my curiosity I endeavoured to step into the dark side (so to speak). Though i have not been poisoned by it, i still feel the effects. I'm sure you do too, whether physical, mental or spiritual.

It's because we are unable to see the hubris of that thing within us, requiring constant ego-feeding that becomes our downfall.

Thanks again man!
