The Best There Is...

It is almost Christmas. The holiday season is mostly about family, fun and food. Everyone seems to be in a good mood. I want to have a wonderful Christmas, and more than that, I want my family to have a wonderful Christmas. Which was why it broke me as I gathered them that morning, that I would be the first person to ruin the festivities for them. Their faces were full of smiles as they looked on at me, waiting to hear what the star daughter of the family had to say.

That was the thing about being the star of the family. You were placed on an impossible pedestal. From being their intellectual scholar who won academic prizes, their star handball player who’d bagged scholarships through college, and now an attorney who was leading the city division by storm. When I'd introduced Dave to them, Mom had looked me in the eyes and said,

“You’ve always been my perfect baby girl. And now you bring the perfect man to us. I didn’t expect anything less.”

And they were right. Dave was indeed the perfect man. Maybe too perfect but I hadn’t seen that yet. He was a reflection of everything my parents I wanted. A tall, dark, dashing neurosurgeon. He had the height and the looks that Mom would usually call, "a dude." He was smart, as expected, and cracked endless jokes that made Mom blush and made Dad pat him fondly on the back.

Dad already started calling him, “my son,” as a way of approval. Above all, he had cash rolling in like he was the one creating them. When I called to inform them that he had proposed and I had accepted. They sounded happier than I was. My left ear still rang sometimes from their deafening screams of delight.

They included him in everything. It was like I couldn’t say a word without Dave’s name being mentioned at least fifty times. For goodness sake, Mom even called him so he could drive her to the grocery store. And we had three drivers! I admit that I was thrilled that my parents adored my fiancée. Their approval was something that had guided practically all my life choices. I did everything I could do they would always be happy.

But as common with all the perfect ones, they would soon enough begin to show their claws. It started when I came home late from a gruelling court session with my client. I’d called Dave in my customary way. At that time, I ignored the fact that since the day began, he hadn’t as much as called to ask how things were going.

When he picked up the call on the third ring, his first statement was, “It seems like you would have to stop this job of yours once we get married.” I’d been too stunned to speak and he continued, “I mean, I make more money anyway and I don’t like the fact that you’re not usually available if I need something. No pressure, but just know we need to do something about it.”

I wasn’t dumb. I knew in that moment that our relationship was more or less over. I had always gushed about how much I loved my career. He knew that it had been my dream from childhood and now, he carelessly brandished the who makes more card in front of me. The scenes began to play in my head. Everything I’d read and watched in books and movies. Of ladies who became furniture because they allowed a man dictate their dreams. Maybe it wasn’t a good enough reason for most, but over coffee the very next day, and to his shock and mocking amusement, I ended things with Dave. The peace I felt afterwards was enough confirmation that I’d made the right choice.

“Trace, baby. We’re waiting for you. What’s the matter?”

My Dad’s loving voice interrupted my reminisces. I blinked to see them still watching me with a smile. I took a deep breath. Time to rip the Band-Aid off.

“I ended things with David.” The shock on their faces made me rush on. “Before you chide me or anything, I’m sorry for ruining the festivities with this. I know we’re supposed to get married in February but watching you all get so excited and already plan wedding colours, it broke me every second I listened.” I knelt in front of my parents and held their hands. “You know me. I would never jeopardize something if it was truly the best for me. Please, trust me on this.”

They were quiet for a while and then Dad, holding my hands, spoke. “I know I raised my daughter right so I will ask just one question. Did he trample on the core values I taught you?” At my nod, he smiled. “Then it’s alright. We trust your decisions and we trust you. You did the right thing.”

I broke into tears then as my parents enveloped me in a hug. My siblings immediately joined and soon enough we were a laughing, sobbing mess. We soon dried our eyes. Or rather, the cool harmattan air beat us to it, and soon enough, Mom was barking orders and shuffling everyone to begin Christmas dinner preparations. Joy and laughter being the predominant atmosphere of the home.

I guess I was right after all. I will have a wonderful Christmas. And I had the best family anyone could ever think of to thank for that.


Thumbnail created with NightCafe Studio.

My entry to The Neoxian City Monthly Writing Prompt.

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A beautifully written and relatable story! No man or individual should want to take your dream(s) away. If they attempt too, they are not a perfect fit for you. I enjoyed reading your story. !LADY


So many of us all fall prey to this and it's only right to try to let others know about it. Thank you Kemmy, I'm glad you liked it. 🤗


Any man who wouldn't support your dream isn't the best for you. This is one of the red signals we should look out for while in a relationship. I am glad your family are the supportive and understanding type. At last, you guys still had a nice Christmas celebration 🎊🎉, amazing! That was nicely written @jhymi , the star ⭐✨ daughter of her family🥰


Yeah, a supportive person is necessary or we'll only be shooting ourselves in the foot. I'm glad you liked my fiction story, Sweet Nkem. And that you have a wonderful day as well.🤗💝


Having a supportive family is so important especially when the news is not the best. The reaction of the family would definitely bring tears of joy from the understanding and the love shown. In the end your family had a wonderful Christmas just like you wished.

Posted using Neoxian City


Yeah, it pays to have a family that understands and trusts your judgement. I appreciate you taking the time to leave this comment. Thank you got the boost and Do have a wonderful day.🌺


Right decisions at the right time can save us from many troubles. You made a very good decision for separation. Dave may be a good neurosurgeon but he was not so perfect for you. A wonderful story Jhymiboy, I appreciate your mindset behind it.

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Thank you Aslam, money and Charm has nothing on the innate attributes and personality of a person. And it's good that she could see past that. Thanks again for the support.🌺


You're such a good writer and you've awed me once again. The story arc from the scratch was one to keep the reader on.

Sometimes, what we would not take in the long run, we need to tame from onset.

Good script dear friend

Posted using Neoxian City


This is such a pleasant comment, coming from someone who's also a stellar writer. I'm glad you enjoyed the story, James. Happy to have you here.🤗


Aren't you a stellar writer, this prospective best-selling author? This is an outstanding one, yet again.

Family is everything, and the values that one holds are very important, and in insufficient words, I'll say that this story portrays that beautifully. Very well done, Fangy.


Ahhh, you'll sha finish me with hype. Thank you dear. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. And indeed, the values we uphold goes a long way in influencing our decisions. It's always a pleasure having you here, Minion.🤗


I loved the story you told. I don't know if it's fiction or anecdotal, but it sure is beautiful. A family that supports you based on instilled principles is fantastic. So, I wouldn't be surprised if your Christmas was wonderful.

Posted using Neoxian City


I do have a very supportive family. But no, this one was mostly fiction. And I'm glad you like it dear. It's been wonderful having you here.🌺


How dare Dave "Mr perfect" do that to a woman. Did he not meet her as a career woman? Why come in and try to change things in a negative way? Hmmm

I am happy Trace ended things with him. He was good but not good for her. No relationship is worth killing my dreams over. Relationships are meant to build and not destroy.

Happy holidays dear.


That's how they usually start. She's even lucky he hinted at it before marriage. Some wait till they knot has officially been tied before springing their evil on the unsuspecting woman.

And a Merry Christmas to you as well, Hun.


This was a good read. Couples are meant to support each other to actualize their dreams and that how it's meant to be. Marriage is a lifetime thing and we need to make right choices.

Thanks for sharing.



Yeah, the right choices are beyond necessary if we're to make it in a life-changing game like marriage. Thanks for making it here.


You're welcome dear.

Have a wonderful day.


What a perfect couple they would have been but it seemed it never was meant to be at least she was lucky to know the kind of person he is before walking down the aisle with him.

Posted using Neoxian City


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 186 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
