Not A World We Know || Part 4

“So, you are....” The King looked at me like a scientist who was trying to uncover the peculiar qualities of an intriguing specimen.

“My name is Karla, Your Majesty. Karla Kassidy.” I bit my tongue the moment I said that. Why didn’t I think of changing my name to something else? For fifteen years I’d planned for this moment and now that I was face to face with my nemesis, I flunked the most basic thing which was my age.

But I couldn’t exactly blame myself. There are many pictures of Xander IV that I had in my head and not one was the man sitting in front of me. I mean I’d seen his face before. Heck, I’d stabbed pictures of him severally in the past but what I didn’t expect was the kindness in his eyes. The kindness was masked by a haunting look. His eyes darted around occasionally like he was scared of something. Or someone.

To the side of the room was Elana, who I’d learnt wasn’t just his servant but more or less a right-hand man. She cast furtive, wary looks at me like she thought I would bolt the next second. I smiled inwardly. They didn’t know how hard I’d planned for this moment. A king who was being haunted by his past evil was just my cup of tea.

“So I was particularly interested in your answer to the test.” He gave me a look like he thought I would beam in happiness. Was I expected to do that? I needed to earn this man’s trust anyway. So, I bowed my head and hoped my expression was shy and demure enough
“Don’t get me wrong,” he continued. “Your answer was the most inappropriate one I’d seen, but I was curious to know the person who would think so differently.” His eyes grew a tad wary then. “So uniquely.”

“I’ve been told it’s one of my very special attributes, Sire.” I mean what was one expected to say to a statement like that? To be honest, I’d been more than surprised when the Palace goons accosted me in the market and brought me to the palace. And I was even more surprised that I’d passed the test.

King Xander IV laughed long and hard at my statement. To Elana, he said, “I told you we made the right choice.”
Elana must have thought otherwise as she looked pointedly at me. “We’ll see.” Without another word, she produced a file from behind her and walked over to where I stood. “You’ll be required to sign this before you start.”

I looked at the NDA in my hands and quickly scanned through it. That was easy enough. I didn’t even have friends. And I had to move in too. That was going to be a problem. How would I carry my dagger when the opportunity finally arose? Oblivious to the reason for my questioning look, Elana reassured me that I’d have my room and whatever I needed would be provided. Better, I thought.

After signing, I was instructed to change into the official Palace Staff uniform. Standing before the king now, I was a bit unsure of what to do. I’d planned everything to when I eventually got to the Palace. But now I was stuck and also unsure of my job description. What was I to do anyway? Sing to him? Act crazy? King Xander must have read my thoughts as he stopped his relentless staring and began.

“I’m not sure if you’ve guessed but you’re here to make me better. I am a disturbed man, Karla. Heavily disturbed by my sins. I’ve tried for absolution but the voices in my head persist still. I fear they are after my life. You must help me.”

I don’t know if it was the earnestness in his eyes or the underlying feeling of lunacy but I was drawn to him. Drawn to the brown depths of his haunted eyes and for an idiotic moment, I entertained the thought of wiping away the haunted look in his eyes. I immediately cursed myself for it.

“I will do my best, Your Majesty.”

His sudden grip on my arm sent a tremor of fear and heat down my spine. “Please.” He stared deep into my eyes. “Help me.”

As I packed my medicine bag that night in my cottage, I decided there and then to make the King better. I was the only Xittite born without powers. But I had a gift. A gift of herbs. I held my dagger, letting the gleam of the moonlight reflect on it. I’d make him better but then he was going to die.

To be continued...


Image created with NightCafe Studio.


Oh Karla should not fall for the evil king...he deserves to be haunted by his past for his evil deeds


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 183 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
