Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Using flying monsters in earthquake to win a match

Splinterlands is a pretty complicated game and there are some interesting battles with all the options available. This is a part of the weekly social media challenge for Splinterlands. This week is about a great fight where I won because I took advantage of flying monsters in an earthquake ruleset.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

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The ruleset this time is Fire & Regret and Earthquake. This means that any monsters that are not flying will take damage every turn and all monsters gain the return fire ability. There are 46 mana available and I am left with the choice of earth, death, or dragon splinter.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Helios Matriarch6Summoner+1 speed
Pelacor Mercenary71stFlying and Heal
Pallus82ndFlying and Reach
Void Dragon53rdFlying and Void
Regal Peryton54thFlying
Halaran Huntress45thFlying and Charge
Night Reaper116thFlying and Wingbreak
Total Mana:46

I use Helios Matriarch as my summoner because I wanted to use dragon cards and it is a high enough level that there is no level cap against me. I am focusing on using an entire lineup using flying monsters. I have Pelacor Mercenary up front as my tank because it has the heal ability. After that is Pallus as a backup tank with reach. Then I have Void Dragon after that with void in case my enemy is full of magic monsters. After that is Regal Peryton as a magic damage dealer and Halaran Huntress as a melee monster that can attack from anywhere. My last monster is Night Reaper with wingbreak to deal more damage against flying monsters.

Round 1

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At first glance, I think that I do have the advantage but it will be hard because my opponent is also using a lot of magic monsters, and the void from his summoner will limit my damage. However, my opponent doesn't have many flying monsters and my Night Reaper should be able to kill that single flying monster. So it will be a battle of endurance.

Round 2

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I lost one monster but my opponent didn't lose any due to that taunt monster. It's looking dangerous to me but over time, that earthquake will kill my opponent's backline.

Round 3

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My opponent and I lost one monster. It's not looking that great for me but my opponent's backline should die in a few turns. So it's just a battle of endurance.

Round 5

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The earthquake took out the healer and I was able to deal some damage to the tank. So with that, my opponent is left with just one monster that will die from the earthquake.

I ended up winning the match later that turn.


The battle this time around went exactly like I expected. My focus on flying monsters worked out even if I was worried about my opponent's lineup during the first few turns. I played according to the ruleset and that let me win the match. Having a monster with wingbreak was great because it was able to take out the flying monster and let me win that battle of endurance.

You can see my entire match here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Youre a beast Fang, thats all im sayin...



It was just a good fight that went in my favor. I wasn't expecting to win when I first saw the lineup, but it worked out.


Sometimes we underestimate the fly ability and how it played a crucial role in getting you the win. The opponent's lineup was scary and I didn't give you a chance at the beginning. Especially with that taunt card


Yea. I was worried too because I was using a lot of magic monsters but that earthquake saved me.
