The power in a corperative team


It almost two weeks now that I started my practicum (it's just like an internship course), usually the practicum is observed for six weeks but it turned out to be a two week program for my session.

I was not ready for the practicum, same goes to my coursemate,we were not ready to go through the stress.
We just finished our examination on Friday and we are to start the exercise immediately on Monday.
Every other student have gone home while my department is still in school,we were not financially, emotionally and mentally prepare and ready for the practicum.
We pleaded but it was not extended.

So we start, some have gone home while majority of us started on Tuesday.
We did our orientation on Monday,where we were advise on what to expect and how this is an opportunity to put into practice the theoretical knowledge that has been embedded in us.


That day, We were given the opportunity to choose where we want to observe the practicum first.
The practicum process entailed that we would be divided into two groups, A particular group will be in the counseling office for a duration of time while another group will be in the secondary School of the institution.

The opportunity to choose was a luck for us because initially it doesn't work that way but I never knew what it has already been planned and what it is to come.

I and some of my friends choose the counseling office for the first week and I must say that I learnt alot from senior proffessionally counsellors whom did not only observe us but also correct our mistakes and enlightened us more about the counselling field.

I didn't only learnt about my profession, which am still in training but I also learnt how to relate, interact and accommodate other people.
I got to know that one learn everyday, learning is what we will do continuously right from birth to the grave.


So this week I and my team mate moved to the school,we switched with the group.

Prior to our arrival at the school,we learnt about the complaint of the school abi the previous set and I and my team mate planned on how to fix the lapses and how we can present ourselves to be competent at what we are trained to do.

We made sure we resumed punctually and early to the school and we had series of assembly talks with the students about etiquette such as modesty, manners, how to stop being bullied(I think I will write about bullying some day).

And today we did our seminar for the students based on sex education with a catching topic:My feelings and I

We enlightened the students on how their feelings can either make them or mar them.
At their age and level their priority should be their academics.
We enlightened them on developmental growth at puberty stage, how to set boundaries;the power of yes and no and what to perceive as being wrong or right, we Talked about abstinence.

We asked them questions,the students who answered correctly were reinforced by being gifted.

They were so happy and same as us.
It was fun.
I was so happy about the joy that filled the students heart to see people they can talk and confide in without being judged and that made me willing to do more.


The lessons I learnt from this practicum process:

👉 In the process of acquiring knowledge one will learn from both someone who is older than you and whom you are older than and people who are older than you,your determination and willingness to learn actually matters so as to be equipped with the necessary knowledge.

👉🏻I learnt about the power in team work and cooperation.
I'm so glad about my team mate because we all cooperate together to achieve our aims and I get to know that each individual have a special ability which makes them unique.
Everyone is special,we just have to tolerate each other.

Thank you for stopping by 😘.
