RE: Remembrance of a Holy Thursday year 2015 [ENG]/[ESP]
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I had never seen a Maundy Thursday where the men used this costume for a dramatization, although I have witnessed the washing of feet on that day and I had been told that in some places they do it. It's a great idea and an activity that makes those days very special, no wonder you shared it in our community...
Nunca había visto un Jueves Santo donde los hombres usaran este vestuario para una dramatización, aunque sí he presenciado el lavado de pies ese día y me habían contado que en algunos lugares lo hacen. Es una idea genial y una actividad que hace muy especial esos días, no me extraña que lo compartieras en nuestra comunidad...
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It is a staging of the gospel where Jesus dines for the last time with his disciples, announces his death and washes the feet of each one of them to teach them that he came to serve and not to be served. It was truly a unique experience. Thanks @jesuslnrs for the comment.
Por acá se hace en todas las iglesias, pero nunca lo he visto con este vestuario, es realmente especial. Gracias a usted por el feedback 🙏🏽