Christmas Holiday: Caroling Against the Odds
It is almost Christmas. The holiday season is mostly about family, fun and food. Everyone seems to be in a good mood. I want to have a wonderful Christmas and attend my church's Christmas carol service, but I am afraid that I might miss it if it turns out that we have tests at school on the same day.
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I woke up pretty early on December 23rd, the final day before our Christmas break. The cool and breezy Harmattan winds had finally chilled out the hot weather. I threw on my favorite red and green Christmas sweater and headed out the door of our little apartment, ready to wrap up classes.
In the distance I could see Saint Peter’s Cathedral decked out in colorful decorations and a big star on the tallest spire. They always held an awesome Christmas carol service there with the choir belting out cheerful songs backed up by loud drums that you could hear down the street. I looked forward to it like crazy every year. But I’ll admit I was really nervous that I might not make it this time. Teachers loved piling on exams right before holidays which would totally ruin my evening plans. I prayed that wouldn’t be the case as I walked onto the school grounds.
Morning classes dragged on slowly, to be honest. My friend Ade passed me a note during English asking about my holiday plans. I scribbled back “Hopefully rockin’ out at the carol service at Saint Peter’s tonight!” but I added a worried face since I wasn’t sure we’d get loaded up with more tests.
When the lunch bell finally rang, I booked it to my locker, but my heart sank instantly. On the noticeboard was an announcement that Mrs. Balogun had scheduled surprise math and physics exams for that very night! Ugh, looked like I’d be stuck prepping for tests instead of enjoying the amazing church service.
I glumly picked at my food as all my friends excitedly chatted about their holiday plans - visiting villages, seeing family, getting awesome new outfits for Christmas day. All I could think about was how much I’d miss seeing the colorful celebration at Saint Peter’s. I loved hearing the choir’s joyful carols backed up by the sound of lively drums and horns echoing through the towering cathedral while people held candles that lit up the incredible scene with a magical glow. It seriously bummed me out that I was likely going to miss out on that.
When the last bell rang, everyone streamed out the gates overjoyed for vacation...everyone except me, that is. I half-heartedly waved goodbye as my friends skipped off giddily. I dragged my feet on the lonely walk home, wind whipping up dust around me. I used to love gazing at all the decorated houses covered in twinkling lights on my after school strolls. But now I just felt sad about potentially losing my favorite Christmas tradition.
At home, I begged my mom if I truly had to skip the service for boring test prep. She gently but firmly reminded me that I had to keep my focus on academics first, as important as the church celebration was for our community. I knew she was right logically, but emotionally I still felt super upset as I unhappily cracked open my textbooks, the cheerful sounds of carols from down the street floating in through my window almost mockingly at this point.
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After a few hopeless hours forcing math equations into my brain, I decided to step outside for a quick mental break. But as soon as I got out there, I noticed flurries of small white puffs sprinkling down from the night sky. What the heck - it was snowing!? Snow never fell around here. Giggling in shock, I tilted my head up, feeling the icy pinpricks land on my smiling cheeks. Maybe Christmas magic would come through somehow!
Just then my mom rushed outside, also gazing up in total surprise. “It’s really snowing?” she exclaimed. Reading my newly hopeful expression, she gave in with a resigned smile. “Well okay then, I suppose some carols are in order for such a special occasion! Go ahead to the service, but you better be back by 9 sharp for more test prep, young lady!” I squealed excitedly, gave her a huge hug and raced off down the street as the snowflakes continued swirling down.
I arrived at the Cathedral breathless but beaming, the candlelight inside nearly blinding me for a second as I slipped into the warmth. The choir belted out “Joy to the World” backed by trumpets and booming drums. Finding my friends, I added my voice to the cheerful song. Outside, snow was falling, inside, we celebrated the spirit of Christmas together. Swaying and singing loudly to the blasting horns and percussion, I felt wrapped up in the special holiday magic after all! What an awesome turn of events!
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Indeed, what an awesome turn of events, this is where we say, most times the things we desire surely do come to reality. God pass that teacher ooo. 😆
I feel your pains, hoping for something only for hope to be dashed because you have to forgo it for another thing, the disappointment can be worse than a breakup sef 🤣🤣🤣 but thank God there came another way around it to fulfill your desire.
Thank God for your mother, she is very understanding and knows how to make you see how important your academic is even though she also would love you not to be at the Carol.
I guess she is not our "typical" Nigerian mothers if you know what I mean. Lol.
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I think they were all oriented to do this.
All the teachers I know are fond of this.
Imagine fixing a compulsory lecture at 2pm on 24th December. That's one of my worst experience in school... because the lecturer didn't show up after we waited till 5:30pm😢
Maybe they truly are all oriented to annoy students that way.
That's just wickedness in high places, lol
The lecturer just made Christmas eve boring for you. LOL
The christmas season is so exciting that everyone want to be able to participate in the traditions. It would have been truly a disappointment if you did not get to join the christmas carolling at church. There is magic in the season indeed as demonstrated by the snowfall😀. This time of year melt hearts and your mom understood. It sounds like a grand time in the warmth of the church with all the lovely singing.
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Traditions are so beautiful and attending church for chritmas carols is one of them. I can imagine that you would have been disappointed. However the season is magical and that was demonstrated with teh turn of events. Your mother's heart melted and you could enjoy the seasonal christmas carolling. That was awesome indeed.
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It's always not funny for one to focus her mind on a thing and got dissappointed in the middle... you already set your mind for the carol until the teacher came with her headache..glad to see how things finally turn out for you at last . I hope you enjoy the season 🥳