"Primordials": First generation of Gods and Goddesses

Source: www.splinterlands.com

Let's join the Splinterlands Community Engagement challenge with the Theme: Explore and Expand Splinterlands Lore. This is new challenge well for me and didn't know where to start but thanks to the challenge they have included a very easy guide to cope up with the given challenge.

In this blog, let us all read the backstory of Mitreyya, the goddess of Might one of the "Primordials" and also a poem that relates to the Goddess.

Source: lore.splinterlands.com

Backstory of Mitreyya, Goddess of Might

Mitreyya, the Goddess of Might, emerged at the dawn of creation, a time when the cosmos was formless and chaotic. As one of the five Primordials, she played a pivotal role in shaping the planes of existence alongside her siblings: Ugnash, God of Earth; Xelia, Goddess of Seas and Storms; Khymia, Goddess of Justice; and Yzaos, God of Death. Together, they forged the inner and outer planes, breathing life into the universe and imbuing it with elemental magic.

From the very beginning, Mitreyya’s dominion was fire, a force of both creation and destruction. With her passionate spirit, she brought forth the elemental fire that would ignite realms and empower her creations. It was she who created the Plane of Fire, a realm of molten landscapes and roaring flames, a testament to her fierce nature. However, her fiery ambition led to complex dynamics with her siblings.

Throughout the ages, Mitreyya became synonymous with courage and strength. She offered her blessings to the brave, while droughts and hardships served as tests for the weak, believed to be a manifestation of her displeasure. This duality reflected her complex nature—creator and destroyer, nurturing and fierce.

In the ever-changing landscape of the Splinterlands, her legacy is a testament to the balance of power and resilience, reminding all that true strength is forged in the fires of adversity. Her journey is an ongoing struggle for dominion, both within the cosmos and in the hearts of those who seek her favor.

A Poem to Mitreyya, Goddess of Might

In the dawn's embrace, where chaos met the light,
Five Primordials danced, forging realms in their flight.
Among them, fierce Mitreyya, with flames in her gaze,
Brought forth the elemental fire, igniting creation's blaze.

Her beauty, a tempest, an efreeti divine,
In golden robes flowing, like molten rock’s shine.
Eyes of fiery amber, burning fierce and bright,
She wields both creation and destruction, a paradox of might.

From her heart, Lareus, handsome and bold,
A child of molten rock, with dreams of love untold.
Votix, a warrior born of flame’s very core,
Together they surged, yet yearned for more.

Oft did Mitreyya bless the brave with her grace,
Yet droughts fell heavy when weakness found its place.
Her voice, a roaring inferno, forged resilience in the weak,
For in trials of fire, true courage we seek.

The Plane of Fire, her dominion vast,
Mountains of magma and embers amassed.
Yet, shadows encroached from Xelia’s cool seas,
A realm where her flames faced a chilling breeze.

As sibling strife echoed, they each sought control,
Ugnash reshaped the earth, to hold water’s toll.
And amidst these tumultuous tides of divine,
Mitreyya's ambition burned—yet solace was hard to find.

Her heart, wrapped in love, turned to the mortal sphere,
But Lareus, once noble, sought pleasures to steer.
While Votix, in jealousy, waged war’s fierce delight,
The flames of creation dimmed in the ongoing fight.

Still, she gathered her strength, and returned to the skies,
In the inner planes, where the power truly lies.
For gods and goddesses, in a dance of fate,
Vied for dominion, though none would wait.

So, Mitreyya stands tall, an avatar of flame,
A symbol of courage, forging strength from her name.
In the heart of the Splinterlands, her legend will ring,
For the Goddess of Might, forever shall sing.

In the Beyond, where mana swirls, the cosmos unfolds,
Each flicker of flame, a story retold.
So let her courage ignite our spirits anew,
In the trials of fire, may we rise, brave and true.

This will be the end of this blog, I hope to see this first generation of gods and goddesses which they called "Primordials" in the future or may be as soon as possible. The way their lore makes them very interesting and specially the design of Mitreyya is so beautiful.

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