(ESP-ENG) Yaneura no Rudger - Movie Review!

Hello friends, good vibes to all.

Hola amigos, buenas vibras para todos.


Did you ever have an imaginary friend when you were kids? - I don't know why but I feel like this only happens in the movies, in fact I don't know anyone who has had one, even though his figure is so popular. Well it turns out that this is more or less what this movie I got on Netflix is about. A film that was directed by Yoshiyuki Momose, who is known to be a student of the Studio Ghibli school, hence the spectacular animation that we get to see. You may wonder, but he only watches movies? - And the truth is that lately I do because it allows me to cover more genres in less time and learn new elements in this world of anime; there have been many films seen in recent months.

Alguna vez cuando eran niños tuvieron un amigo imaginario? - no se porque pero siento que esto solo pasa en las películas, de hecho no conozco a nadie que haya tenido alguno, aunque su figura sea tan popular. Pues resulta que de esto va más o menos esta película que me conseguí en Netflix. Un film que fue dirigido por Yoshiyuki Momose, quien se sabe que es un estudiante de la escuela de Studio Ghibli, de ahí la animación tan espectacular que podemos llegar a ver. Ustedes se preguntarán, pero este solo ve películas? - y la verdad es que ultimamente si porque me permite poder abarcar más géneros en menos tiempo y conocer elementos nuevos dentro de este mundo del anime; han sido muchas películas vistas en los últimos meses.

This film focuses on Rudger, Amanda's tireless and best friend. But this blond boy has a particularity and that is that he is imaginary, that is, he only lives in the mind of his creator, but no one can see him except her. Amanda is a girl who lives with her mother and who logically has an impressive imagination to the point that in the attic of her house she always embarks on adventures in distant worlds with Rudger. The truth is that the relationship that they came to harvest is very nice to the point that they made a couple of promises of life. I find this very surrealistic but yes, children's minds can be very powerful sometimes.

Este film se centra en Rudger, el incansable y mejor de amigo de Amanda. Pero este rubio niño tiene una particularidad y es que es imaginario, es decir, solo vive en la mente de su creadora, más nadie lo puede ver salvo ella. Amanda es una niña que vive con su mamá y que lógicamente tiene una imaginación impresionante al punto de que en el ático de su casa siempre se embarca en unas aventuras por mundos lejanos con Rudger. La verdad es que la relación que llegaron a cosechar es muy bonita al punto de que hicieron un par de promesas de vida. Me parece muy surrealista esto que escribo pero es que si, la mente de los niños puede ser muy poderosa a veces.


Everything is going great until one day a strange man named Mr. Bunting shows up at the door of the house, who apparently is someone who hunts imaginary people to the point that he eats them. From here everything is turned upside down and due to several things that happen Rudger is left alone, the thing is that he cannot exist if his owner does not think or imagine him. So in that sadness and desperation he meets some beings that are just like him and thanks to them he manages to get a little more time and thus be able to solve everything with Amanda. The story may seem a little childish but I tell you that it is not, at first you may think that but as the minutes go by it gets interesting.

Todo va de maravilla hasta que un día se aparece en la puerta de la casa un hombre un tanto raro llamado Sr Bunting quien aparentemente es alguien que se dedica a cazar a los imaginarios al punto de que se los come. A partir de acá todo se pone de cabeza y por varias cosas que pasan Rudger queda solo, el tema es que él no puede existir si su dueña no lo piensa o imagina. Entonces en esa tristeza y desesperación conoce a unos seres que son iguales a él y gracias a ellos logra conseguir un poco más de tiempo y así poder resolver todo con Amanda. La historia les puede parecer un poco infantil pero ya les digo que no es así, al principio es posible que piensen eso pero conforme van pasando los minutos se va poniendo interesante.

There is nothing childish about it because it is a plot that shows us how certain people deal with various traumas and sadness during their childhood. The existence of these beings is tied to that, they are like a response that creates the mind to gaps, shortcomings, fears, etc. that we can experience as children. The really cool thing is the development of this character, Rudger, who despite being a creation of Amanda seems to have a conscience because he only seeks the best for her and will not stop until he gets her to be the best she can be. It's what I was saying, it's a form of the subconscious, it's that voice that we ALL have and talk to from time to time.

De infantil no tiene nada porque es una trama que nos enseña cómo ciertas personas lidian con varios traumas y tristezas durante sus infancias. La existencia de estos seres está atada a eso, son como una respuesta que crea la mente a huecos, carencias, miedos, etc que podemos experimentar siendo niños. Lo verdaderamente cool es el desarrollo de este personaje, Rudger, quien a pesar de ser una creación de Amanda pareciera que tuviera conciencia ya que solo busca lo mejor para ella y no va a parar hasta conseguir que ella esté lo mejor posible. Es lo que les comentaba, es una forma del subconsciente, es esa voz que TODOS tenemos y con la que hablamos de vez en cuando.


But we not only experience sadness on the side of humans, but also on the side of the imaginary ones. Part of their existence is to accept that one day they will be forgotten, either because children grow up or because they overcome the problem that made them create these characters. In fact there is a world where they all live and although they are always happy, at some point nostalgia hits them when they remember their best friends they once had. It's a very nice film that has a certain emotional charge. The story is very cool because it's an adventure where there are two goals: for Rudger to reunite with Amanda and to escape from Bunting. So in effect, there's action that's entertaining and there's a mystery because in the end you don't quite know the nature of this strange man.

Pero no solo vivimos la tristeza del lado de los humanos sino también de los imaginarios. Parte de su existencia es aceptar que alguna vez serán olvidados, bien sea porque los niños crecen o porque superan el problema que los hizo crear a estos personajes. De hecho hay un mundo en donde viven todos ellos y a pesar de que siempre están felices, en algún momento la nostalgia les pega al acordarse de sus mejores amigos que alguna vez tuvieron. Es un film muy bonito que tiene cierta carga emocional. La historia es muy cool porque es una aventura en donde hay dos objetivos: que Rudger se reencuentre con Amanda y escapar de Bunting. Así que en efecto, hay una acción que es entretenida y hay un misterio porque al final no se sabe muy bien la naturaleza de este hombre extraño.

As for the animation is extremely good and very visual, has very good details, super fluid, looks good; you can tell it is something of high quality, something they say that Studio Ponoc are the new Ghibli. The truth is that you really enjoy watching the movie, it is very successful. The characters are endearing, each and every one of them. The imaginary ones have their charm and personality, Amanda is very innocent but intelligent and Rudger is a child with a great sense of belonging to what he wants.

En cuanto a la animación es extremadamente buena y muy visual, tiene muy buenos detalles, super fluida, se ve bien; se nota que es algo de mucha calidad, por algo dicen que el Studio Ponoc son lo nuevos Ghibli. La verdad se disfruta mucho ver la película, está muy lograda. Los personajes son entrañables, todos y cada uno. Los imaginarios tienen su encanto y personalidad, Amanda es muy inocente pero inteligente y Rudger pues al final es un niño con un sentido de pertenencia muy grande hacia lo que quiere.




A very enjoyable film with a very cool story and very well told. It lasts less than two hours and is on Netflix. I highly recommend it, it's worth a watch. I leave the trailer below.

Un film muy disfrutable con una historia muy cool y muy bien contada. Dura menos de dos horas y está en Netflix. Se las recomiendo mucho, vale la pena echarle un vistazo. Les dejo el tráiler por acá abajo.

Well my people that's all for today, I hope you liked it.
¡A hug to everyone, see you next time!

Bueno mi gente por hoy es todo, espero que les haya gustado.
¡Un abrazo a todos, nos vemos en la próxima!


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Me dieron muchas ganas de verla, voy a tener que ir a visitar a alguien con Netflix 🤔 suena a muy buen plan


The truth is that it is a very cool story to watch. If you have a laptop or pc there are many sites out there where you can watch anime, you just have to search well. I hope you make it!


que linda historia y animación! buen post!

what a nice story and animation! nice post!


It's true, the concept of imaginary friends we only see in movies and series, I've never heard anyone say they had one. I'm very impressed with the animation I see in the trailer, this is definitely on another visual level.

I see that it certainly covers some pretty serious topics that shouldn't be taken lightly, so this movie is definitely worth a watch.

Thanks for sharing!


It's weird because in real life you don't see that or maybe you do but you don't know it! The animation is spectacular, the level of detail is top, it's one of the best things of the movie along with its plot that as you say touches quite interesting topics to see.

Thanks for the visit, greetings my friend!


From when I heard the fact about the man who hunts imaginary friends, I knew it was something interesting.

I would check this out!


It is because there is something hidden behind this behavior, he does not do it just for the sake of it. I was surprised, the movie is really good!
