Activities helping little brother in the garden

Hello friends who are always active here in this very beautiful and very extraordinary community. Today I will show you all some pictures when I was in the garden helping my sister water the newly grown chili seedlings.

At that time I went to the place bringing a Canon camera that I had And I happened to see my sister in the garden watering the chili and I helped her to water some of the chili seedlings.

Here we can see the garden that has been cleaned is very large and all of them will be planted with several chili plants and also oil palm trees and there are also other plants such as eggplant plants and also cucumbers and even other small plants.

And At that time I took some pictures of the garden that had just been cleaned here we can see the pictures that I will show about me being in a newly cleaned garden on the mountain.

The trip to this place took more than half an hour because you had to climb a few high mountains and you had to use a motorbike that was specially made to go up the mountain.

Here we can see some pictures that I have taken when I was in the garden and coincidentally at that time I and my friend went around the garden to look for beetles or insects that were roaming around because I saw my little brother was in the garden so I went into the garden to help him.

So that's a little short story of me when I was in a newly cleaned garden, hopefully you can be interested in doing things like what I have shown in this post.
