Without shadow, there is no light ...


We live in times when the obsession with happiness makes many people think that optimism is everything by feeding their ego and pretending things that they do not have and live the.optimism from that mentality, and that's not the way it is. I don't know about motivating from the ego, but from realistic actions that work.

Without a doubt, optimism is key to advancing, in the same way, I think we should be careful when optimism comes as a result of immediacy, without a basis in reality, to our everyday life, and it is only fueled by our ego. Because when it is excessive, and only what we seek is to be recognized from there, then it is pure ego.

And the.self-centered optimism sounds like this: "Look how motivating I am", "look how I carry you forward", "look how well I do for you".

These types of people often want to be seen as the "Optimists", the "motivators" supposedly because everything goes very well for them. So, they take their optimism more towards what really matters to many of us "an optimism based on truth".

It is essential to understand that our true optimism faces reality, and without makeup, so that others admire us, that goes, without masks is better.

In my experience the.optimism based on reality is the one that has driven me to change, not to hide behind a false smile, or that sounds like a road story, and melodies of lies, but it is the one that drives with realistic and truly functional actions.

What I say about this, "I tell stories on the way, and melodies of lies", for example, is "money does not give happiness" without a doubt that "motivational" phrase I'm sure comes from someone who doesn't have it 🙃. And, by the way, when these people encourage to be more productive, they don't talk about concrete actions. They only act as show motivators.

It seems like a lie, but we live in times when the obsession with happiness makes many people think that optimism is everything in life to feed their ego and pretending things they don't have.

Unfortunately there are "toxic optimists" who rather make those who are on their social radio, with their excessive positivity make the other feel worse and even guilty of feeling bad.

How to act with this kind of people who spend all their time saying positive things and inside their shadows does not allow them to see the light "reality"? They just complain, and say that everything is and is going to be fine. Maybe they are waiting for magical solutions without making an effort.

Definitely, reality requires actions and those actions must be based on realities "without shadows, there is no light". Do you dare to break that cycle? .

Janitze 🦋

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL
