I found a male among my plants and I must put an end to it
Unfortunately, it found a male among the plants of which they had a possible hope that they were female. On the one hand, this was a bit to be expected given that these plants suffered a lot of stress from the attack of the bees and also that it is a descendant of a regular plant.
So I had no choice but to kill it and move on to all the other plants I have. I hope that the other plant that is quite large shows signs of being female because if not I will have to wait at least until the end of next month to continue having some luck with these plants.
Damn. Sucks putting all that love into a plant just to kill it..
it is a consecuence, i know that this can happend :D
Sorry to hear the sad news... Was hoping this one was a female.
i hope have luck this time :D
No NUTS! Finish him