Photography:-Random Photography.

how are you all Hope everyone is doing well by God's grace. Alhamdulillah I'm also veritably well by the grace of Allah. I now gradationally try to do photography nearly every week. Trying to partake different types of posts like all of you. Because I like photography veritably much. But photography requires a lot of tolerance. Success comes only by trying. Great photography takes a little longer, especially in different locales. Indeed I'm trying to make these beautiful photos. So moment I'll partake a veritably beautiful photography post. All the time I try to do some different kind of photography. That is why moment's photos are participated with you. I hope you'll like my photos moment. And encourage me through commentary. This is a snap of an unnamed flower. I do not know the name of this flower. But seeing this flower made me feel veritably good. The white flower petals look veritably nice. Actually this flower has not completely bloomed yet. In fact, there are some flowers that I want to see again and again. A many days agone , while traveling, I took a snap of an unknown flower. So moment I participated the photography of this flower with you.

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This is a flower we all know. There's no bone who doesn't know this flower. The beauty of this flower fascinates people. But jaba flowers have numerous colors. But white color jaba flowers are infrequently seen. These shops are veritably large in size. And if these trees are planted, they last for numerous times. A many days ago I saw this white jaba flower in front of a house. From there I mugged this white jaba flower. This is a road photography. Village thoroughfares and nature photography fascinates people more. But the vill roads are veritably narrow. And there are more trees and houses on both sides of the road. In other words, the green terrain can be seen. And quiet people and buses are infrequently seen. A many days ago I took a snap of the road in front of our house while going to the store. So moment I participated this photography with you.




This is a snap of an unnamed flowering factory. But I do not know the name of this flower factory. The leaves of this flower tree are amazing. People are fascinated especially when they see the color of the leaves. And the flowers in this factory aren't relatively as small as they're big. Especially because of the leaves of this tree, the beauty can be enjoyed more. But if you plant these trees next to the house or coming to the office, also it looks veritably good. A many days ago I mugged this tree from the front of one of my relation's houses. So I participated the photography of this tree with you moment. This is a snap of a petunia flower. These flowers are known to everyone. The color of these flowers attracts further people. But petunia flowers have numerous colors. These flowers need further care. Because these shops die if not taken care of duly. But petunia flowers can be seen in different places in utmost barrels. A many days ago I went for a walk in the nursery theater . also these flowers were planted in the top and hung below. At that time I mugged this petunia flower. So moment I've participated a veritably beautiful flower photography with you.



This is a photography of vegetable pumpkin flower. Pumpkin flower is a veritably familiar flower to all of us. It's said that there's no person who doesn't know this flower. But pumpkin flowers taste good when fried or made into pakoras. And because pumpkin flowers are a little bigger, they catch people's eyes more. In our pastoral areas more or less everyone is planting pumpkins for civilization. I mugged this pumpkin flower from the front of our house. Because my woman has planted different types of vegetable shops in front of the house. And participated the photography from there with you moment. Hope you like my vegetable pumpkin flower photography.

All pictures taken with Iphone 14 pro
