Flowers of Clay


Aslamualikum every one
Hopefull you all are doing good.
I'm again participating in @diyhub. Because I'm having a great interest in doing this.
Today i made flowers by using clay. It was very easy and interesting as well.

While doing this i was also chit chatting with my mom that how obsessed I'm becoming for flowers. Love their smell look evrry thing. And also she was telling me how in her college days her best friend daily gave her red roses and she puts them inside the I do the same 😂❤
My college friends also used to gave me red roses. I miss those days alot❤. Flowers are incredibly beautiful.




•Cap of a bottle

I used Baby pink, Green, orange and brown colours of clay.


First i put the baby pink color on the toothpick in a oval shape.

Then i make a ball of that clay.

And then press the ball. Thats how i tried to made the patels.

I attached the patels with that oval shape.

I attached more patels and then round them outwardly to give it a look of a flower.

Thats how it gave me a look.

Then i used the green clay for the giving the resemblance of leaves.

Then i used the brown clay and cover the toothpick. Plus toothpick will work as a flower stick.

And then i add the brown clay into the cap of the bottle to make a pot from it.

Then i tried to attached the flower sticks in to the pot. Which I've made.

This is how my flowers of clay looks at the end.
I hope you all will like my work. And will support me as well🤍.
I'll come back again. Inshallah

Thanks for coming here

Allah Hafiz


That's a nice idea. The flowers look fine and lovely. Thank you for sharing.
