
Hello everyone, it's been a while so Due to my busy schedule.
Today, we had lectures on a very important course named Medical surgical nursing; which many of you may know. But that is not why I am here. So peeps!!! Did you ever have any ideas about cancer? Yes, like cancer, I guess yes. But do you also know that there are types of cancer. Yes dear, there are.

Below are some types of cancer we may or may not know.
*Bronchogenic Cancer( cancer of the lungs)
*Leukaemia (cancer of the blood).
*Carcinoma (cancer of the skin)
*Lymphoma ( cancer of the immune system).
*Breast cancer(cancer of the breast).

  • Brain cancer(cancer of the brain).
    I think I have been able to list a few of the types of cancer we have. So now let's get down to the definition of cancer. But I'll be concentrating on breast cancer.I know you would love to know so let's goooo!!!!!!!


What is cancer?
Cancer is not actually referring to a particular disease, but it refers to a general name given to a large group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. It can occur in any part of the body and it can also be affected by environmental factors.
From the recent research I have been able to carry out lately, cancer is the second most leading cause of death in the United States. During the ancient civilizations of Egyptians cancer was first discovered in mummies, found in the breast and uterine lining. The most common type of cancer is breast cancer , usually prominent in women.
Furthermore, let's expantiate on the causes of breast cancer in women. As women it essential to make sure you have a regular check up to help in early indication of cancer. Here are the symptoms;
Genetic factors
Hormonal changes
Life style
Environmental factors
Dense breast mostly in women.
Family history

It's important to note women with these symptoms are likely to have breast cancer while some may not due to difference in immunity.

Symptoms of cancer
Unusual bleeding
Lump or pain on the breast
Weight loss
Fatigue etc.

Blood test
Imaging eg CT scan.


Treatment of cancer
Chemotherapy i.e the best known treatment for cancer.
Radiation therapy
Surgery on affected site, this may Include removal of affected region.

Prevention of cancer
Healthy living ( proper nutrition)
Avoid smoking
Maintenance of body weight ( obsessed individuals/ women have higher risk of having this disease)
Make sure to exercise regularly
For breast feeding mother's, it is vital because it helps reduce breast cancer.


If you are cancer patient consider the use of risk reducing treatment ) drugs.
so I've been able to share the little knowledge I got today hope it was useful. You can also health educate others by so doing spreading the knowledge. Don't forget to show love to those in this conditions.HELP SOMEONE TODAY !!!!!!!!.


10 months ago I lost my Roommate and best friend to an aggressive form of Uterine Cancer, her family did not have a history of Cancer as if it came out of no where. She was given a two year life expectancy after her diagnosis. I did my best to make her comfortable as we can.


Lovely ,Thanks for being a good friend.

Also thanks for passing by🤗
