New Experience Unlocked = FILVEN Sucre

Hello, fellow weekenders!
How is it going out there?

Today I want to share with you a new experience.

This weekend The International Book Festival arrived in my city. This festival is all about literature and culture. It started on Thursday and ended today, Saturday.

This is my first time coming here. I saw through social media that the festival was coming, and I have to go and see. It was imposible for me to go there on the firsts days because my house is been remodeled and I have to help.

Anyway, I decided to take the day off and go to the festival.
I saw the stands with lots of books, and there were few I wanted to buy, but unfortunately they were out of my range. Too expensive.

But there was something that really caught my attention. Apart from books, there were tables with toys made with recycled plastics and more, and rag dolls.

And to end this post, I want to share some paints that really captivated me. They really got me deep.

And the last one almost made me cry.

This is all, friend!

I hope you have a great weekend!
