Digital Heist


Glasses glinted blue from LED lights emanating from several systems, ones, and zeros ran across a few screens, some other screens ran complex algorithms and in front of it ALL wearing the glinting glasses Sat a female watching the various screens with rapt attention. Her eyes were hidden behind her glinting glasses, staring without blinking at the unstable screen.

An alert suddenly began flashing rapidly on the various screens, several texts flooding the screens. As soon as it began, the female figure's hands began typing at ungodly speed on the many keyboards in front of her, barely thirty seconds later, all screens went black, leaving a single horizontal white line on the screen.

Without notice a manic laughter rang out, echoing and bouncing back on itself across the walls of the house. It went on for many minutes before ending as abruptly as it had begun. A husky voice whispered into the darkness as the systems began to come on again, casting low LED lights across the otherwise dark room, it spread across the female figure's face, showing her slight smirk as she whispered,

Chaos reigned in a room filled with over thirty persons, screams of rage and smashing of tables could be heard clearly.

"He did it again!! Over thirty of you and you proved useless against a single individual!! And to think you all claimed to be the best! Thirty billion gone. Just like that! An amount worth a small Nation laundered and you could neither stop the process nor track the IP address of the individual. And you so dare to call yourselves professionals!"

A furious roar blanketed the din in the room, bringing it to silence. From its initial chaos, it was dragged into ordered silence. Howard fumed as he stalked the room, staring into the eyes of each and every person in the room, but mad as he was, he didn't blame any of them. White Line was as crafty as he was slippery, and clearly, he hadn't lost his touch after two years of radio silence and inactivity. government, central banks, Corporate companies, large and small knew of him, yet they didn't know enough.

White Line was a symbol of fear and a hidden menace to all because there was never a case of him having been caught in his act, all he left behind were empty accounts and a single white line that ran across every company and finance industry systems. White Line went beyond simple money laundering or online fraud.

He wasn't just a petty online criminal, no, whoever he was, he had hit the online space with a massive presence, clearing the account of every big business, government included, the man had no fear.

There was no financial crime he did not commit, and worst of all, no one knew where the money went, it was gone like a stone falling into a chasm.

A whitehead and white beard old man stared out at the nightlife from the Glass walls of his office. Behind him on several sofas sat several men, middle-aged and old, the atmosphere in the room was solemn as everyone sat in silence, waiting for the old man standing at the glass wall to speak.

"We have suffered major losses, have you found out why?" A collected but authoritative voice echoed in question.

"Yes Sir, it was White Line. We tried..."

"White Line. What do we do about him?" The old man interrupted the reply, his voice leveled and calm.

"I... Sir, we don't even know who he is, dealing with him..." The sniveling voice said in reply before being interrupted again.

"I don't care. Find him, and make him pay."

"Yes, sir" Everyone in the room echoed in agreement.

Across the globe, massive companies and corporations were in a state of rage and fear, their CEOs clearly unhappy while government institutions breathed in relief because they weren't victims of White Line's latest financial stunt, their gut was mixed with a hint of schadenfreude, as low as it made them seem or look, it could be said to be understandable, White Line was ruthless, and when he struck, he did so mercilessly.

Sitting in a little corner of her room eating a fruit salad, the orchestrator of it all watched the rest of the world on a screen go into a fit as she giggled in sadistic pleasure and delight. On her system screens was a single white horizontal line spanning from one end of the screen to the other, below it was the amount gained from her worldwide stunt.

With a cold smirk and dark chuckle, she muttered the words she said every single time, the very reason behind the whole madness, "It's sad to think they all believe I'm a man."

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
