Tan Malaka ‘Gerpolek’ – Review


A book that I read a long time ago and I had the opportunity to reread a thin book, but the contents are very ‘thick’. This is one of the books that was created because of his love for Indonesia. From his broad thoughts, obtained from minimal information, because when writing this book, he was in prison and finally wrote a book that you can read if you are very curious about the figure of Tan Malaka, especially with the contents of his thoughts.

Tan Malaka does have his own characteristics in writing, therefore, there are many of his books that are very difficult to understand, however, I highly recommend this book for beginners who want to read Tan Malaka's book and then can continue with several other books such as 'From Prison to Prison'.


Starting from the title 'GerPolEk' from the Indonesian language GERilya (guerrilla), POLitik (politics), EKonomi (economy). Here Tan Malaka wrote a book after the Indonesian independence period, and he strongly rejected the negotiations that were carried out for Indonesian independence at that time. That independence was not obtained from a negotiated agreement. Tan Malaka 'How can a host negotiate with someone who steals from his house?'.

In this book, there are 15 chapters. Each chapter explores several things about war, guerrilla warfare, how to attack, politics, social and economics. Here Tan Malaka also tells how he thinks whether it is 100% independent? That's what Tan Malaka meant.

There are so many things that can be obtained from this book, including about Tan Malaka's thoughts and history that happened long before Tan Malaka was born. About the wars fought by Napoleon, warlords in ancient times, such as Julius Caesar, Hanninal and others.

A little thought of mine, that Tan Malaka is talking about true independence. In the past, the capitalists, imperialists and colonialists came and succeeded in taking a lot from this country, then they left because of a negotiation and agreement for independence. Such a thing is not independence, but a gift. It is fitting that such an attitude greatly sacrifices the sovereignty and independence of the people.

One of the sentences I always like: 'Everyone must determine their own destiny'.


The false word ‘Freedom’ has now been proven, that in fact the politics, social and economy in this country have also been messed up and in fact we are not free and are still shackled, even by our own government. Then, this book will change some perspectives from some of my views on independence.

It has been a long time since the last time I read it 10 years ago, after I graduated from college and that was the last book by Tan Malaka that I read. Time to read another book by Tan Malaka. I always like his perspective.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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i finish read this book, maybe 7 year ago. This book, make me know about Tan Malaka. the best part think again about politic and economic


i finish read this book, maybe 7 year ago. This book make


Father of the Revolution I like the way he firmly expresses his thoughts. Not only about politics and economy but also about the importance of the attitude of educated people. I have the authentic version of Madilog, but I haven't finished reading it yet. ha ha ha


Madilog, I haven't finished reading it yet! It's heavy.


Your genre is unnormal :D but I think we should read all genre for ourselves. You know that sometime the history by our lesson books are kinda untruth.. so we have to figure out by ourselves. I will recommend for you the right person to talking about this book. She is @titisnariyah XD


This is normal, especially when we have to face and face the dark times in the next presidential period ahahah


It is fascinating that, despite being a complex author, this book serves as a good introduction for those who want to delve into his work. The way he questions true independence and criticizes the negotiations to obtain it is really provocative. Thanks for sharing this! 🙌
