Growing Lettuce Seed and Mix Fertilizer Hydroponic



Hello everyone, welcome

How are you all? I hope you are always well and happy wherever you are. Just like me, I also hope to be healthy and happy until old age and that is a hope that will never be broken.

Happiness is something that we have to create, not other people. My happiness is not necessarily the same as your happiness. One of the things that makes me happy is being able to be with my family and of course some of them are in my front yard. My hydroponic plants really make me happy and grateful.

Every morning, including holidays, I always make time to play with all my plants. Checking the growth and breathing fresh air from green plants made me understand the meaning of life. In fact, plants and vegetables also have life tests like humans. If humans are tested by various life tests such as many problems, plants too, should be attacked by pests, extreme weather and nutrient deficiencies.




I once said that hydroponics really needs fertilizer to support growth. This time, I want to make fertilizer in large quantities. Buy fertilizer in concentrate form and dilute it to make it easier to use. You can see the 2 types of fertilizer that will be mixed when they are melted in the hydroponic installation.




Apart from that, there are several new updates from my garden this time. like seedlings that I will transplant into several hydroponic tools in 3 days. These are seedlings ready to be planted, and they appear to be growing well. Every day, check the water content in the rockwool and also add a little of the remaining water from the hydroponic fertilizer. The note is that by adding a little fertilizer, just a little and it will be very good for growth.

The difficult thing in hydroponics is when we have to grow seedlings like this. one week which will make us continue to protect the development of the seedlings from seedlings until they have 2-3 small leaves. I continued to learn about the growth of seedlings, until finally I became an expert and found the best way.



The next batch will have lots of lettuce and water spinach. Both are plants that are easy to market, because they have very good advantages for my garden. These two vegetables are really liked by my mother, they are easy to cook. Moreover, next month there will be an event at home and this lettuce will be used as a menu to make a typical Indonesian salad, is about gado-gado.

In recent days, there has been a heat wave due to the drastically high air temperature. Some of my plants are turning yellow, like the water spinach, so I will only add water levels every morning or evening by spraying them with water. It was enough to help my vegetables wither and discoloration of the stems and leaves.



There are several garden updates this week too, such as the chilies which are starting to grow and are very beautiful red. One plant that is very easy to grow is chili plants in the summer. The higher the air temperature, the chili plants are also protected from weathering that occurs due to fungi.



It seems that I can plant the chilies in the next two days so that they will all be red at the same time. This is the first chili plant to be harvested from initial sowing.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

Thanks for read, vote, re-blog and support me in Hive. Maybe god will reward the kindness, let’s success together.


You should to plant more chilli plants :)

Well, the heat really crazy and I hope your plants can be in good condition. I have a plan to grow lettuce but in red type because I think red type more suitable for the heat


I don't have any more land to plant more chilies, so, that's what I have.😀


How well cared for those plants are, I like to be in contact with nature and green, but I'm not caring for plants haha I think I'm missing something to say that I take care of them because all of them die 😂


There are indeed some people who have talent in caring for plants, so not everyone can become a farmer. It's better if you have a lot of money and just buy it😆
