The locker room at work / Ladies of Hive Community Contest #104
Hello dear community. @joanstewart brings us an interesting topic this week. Before getting fully into my topic I want to invite my friend @ajumaa to join our weekly gathering:
Source: Unsplash - Heather Ford @the_modern_life_mrs
The example on the subject that our friend @joanstewart gives us brought back very pleasant memories of when I worked in the oil company of my country, PDVSA, Petroleos de Venezuela S. A,
For everyone, the desire to work in the best company in the country was something delusional, not only for its good pay but for the relationships that are produced there since it is a company that receives important people from all over the world for the fact of being Oil producers.
Well, in 1991 my wish came true, I was hired to work as a clerk in the Maraven Sports Coordination, an oil subsidiary that had its offices very close to my house. Two towers that I looked at from my balcony and said I would soon work there.
I felt fulfilled although problems would soon come, the locker room. When hiring me, they gave me a list of things that I should not wear while I was in the company. The rules were: No flashy or oversized accessories, that included earrings. She couldn't wear short skirts or dresses, nothing above the knee, nothing tight, and not much makeup.
The truth is that I'm even happy because I'm not one to wear a lot of makeup or wear short clothes. I felt that the position was made for me. The difficult part began when I looked at the other women who worked in other departments who dressed like all models, they conformed to the rules but wore coats, jackets and things for the cold because of the air conditioning that was always on high and I I didn't have so many wardrobes like that.
With my sewing skills I made a few skirts and dresses, even some simple pants without pockets that are easier to make and I bought a few pairs of closed shoes with a #4 heel, I don't really wear heels higher than that and they have to be thick to feel calm when walking.
Today the dress code is very different.
Since the year 2000, the clothing in the jobs of government companies, including the oil company, we can see how they wear chemise and pants and the shoes are safety boots in all areas of the company.
When they implemented the uniform in these companies they eliminated the dress code, for many it was more comfortable because the company gives them the uniforms, but the fact is that there is no longer that competition to dress better every day, now everyone looks the same and many even neglect.
I have seen many women go with their hair well dried and lipstick on their lips, but this is something that goes far beyond a good dry.
Has the change been positive or negative?
In my opinion, this change is negative since this company receives many people from all over the world and it is necessary to offer the best presentation to its employees.
This is my humble opinion on this subject, I hope I have not offended anyone with this, I only intend to create awareness that jobs, wherever they may be, must have a dress code.
Traduccion al Español:
El vestuario en el trabajo.
Hola querida comunidad. @joanstewart nos trae un tema interesante esta semana. Antes de entrar de lleno en mi tema quiero invitar a mi amiga @ajumaa para que se una a nuestra tertulia semanal:
El ejemplo sobre el tema que nos brinda nuestra amiga @joanstewart me trajo muy gratos recuerdos de cuando trabaje en la empresa petrolera de mi pais, PDVSA, Petroleos de Venezuela S. A,
Para todo el mundo era algo delirante el deseo de trabajar en la mejor empresa del pais, no solo por su buena paga sino por las relaciones que alli se producen ya que es una empresa que recibe personas importantes de todo el mundo por el hecho de ser productores de Petroleo.
Pues en 1991 mi deseo se hiso realidad, me contrataron para trabajar como oficinista en la Coordinacion de Deportes de Maraven, filial petrolera que tenia sus oficinas muy cerca de mi casa. Dos torres que yo miraba desde mi balcon y decia pronto trabajare alli.
Me senti realizada aunque pronto llegarian los problemas, el vestuario. Al contratarme me dieron un listado de cosas que no debia vestir mientras estuviera en la empresa. Las reglas eran: No llevar accesorios llamativos ni de gran tamaño, eso incluia los aretes. No podia llevar faldas ni vestidos cortos, nada sobre la rodilla, nada ajustado y no mucho maquillaje.
Yo la verdad hasta me alegre porque no soy de usar mucho maquillaje ni usar ropa corta. Senti que el cargo estaba hecho para mi. Lo dificil comenzo cuando yo mire a las otras mujeres que trabajaban en otros departamentos que vestian como todas unas modelos, se ajustaban a las reglas pero usaban abrigos, chaquetas y cosas para el frio por el aire acondicionado que siempre estaba a lo mas alto y yo no tenia tanto vestuario asi.
Con mis conocimientos de costura me hice unas cuantas faldas y vestidos, hasta algunos pantalones sencillos sin bolsillos que son mas faciles de hacer y me compre unos pares de zapatos cerrados con un tacon # 4, en realidad no uso tacon mas alto que eso y tienen que ser gruesos para sentirme tranquila al caminar.
En la catualidad el codigo de vestimenta es muy distinto.
Desde el año 2000 la vestimenta en los puestos de trabajo de las empresas del gobierno, incluyendo la petrolera, podemos ver como usan chemise y pantalon y los zapatos son botas de seguridad en todas las areas de la empresa.
Cuando implementaron el uniforme en estas empresas eliminaron las eticas de vestimenta, para muchos fue mas comodo debido a que la empresa les da los uniformes, pero el hecho es que ya no hay esa competencia de vestir mejor cada dia, ahora todos se ven iguales y muchos hasta se descuidan.
He visto a muchas mujeres ir con sus cabellos bien secados y con un labial puesto en su boca, pero esto es algo que va mucho mas alla de un buen secado.
El cambio ha sido positivo o egativo ?
En mi opinion este cambio es negativo ya que en esta empresa se recibe mucha gente de todas partes del mundo y hay que brindar la mejor presentacion en sus empleados.
Esta es mi humilde opinion sobre este tema, espero no haber ofendido a nadie con esto solo pretendo crear conciencia de que en los trabajos, donde quiera que sea, debe haber una etica de vestimenta.
I've worked under a dress code before working a big chain Fast food restaurant, seemed okay as long as everyone followed the rules. The uniform was kind of drab but it was for a year. Glad it wasn't a costume 😅
I clarify that I am not against uniforms, there are companies that have very nice ones and their employees look great in them. But specifically in this company I don't think it was for the good to implement the uniform, I can't imagine myself as a secretary working with hard safety boots, it would be pretty silly. Thank you for your comment friend @kerrislravenhill
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