We Are Alive! June 4th, 2024 Expensive But Yummy Ale

One of the most enjoyable part of my door knocking campaign is visiting interesting neighborhoods and towns.

As part of my door knocking, I have to enter in the collected data into an app. My client would like me to enter it all in real time, but there are some difficulties with that. Not only would that slow down my progress, but I do not have reliable internet access on my phone in the field. So, I find free wireless internet wherever I can. I typically use fast-food restaurants like McDonald's or Wendy's or Taco Bell for their wireless internet and bathrooms, but sometimes there isn't any around. So in this case, I borrowed the resources of a brewery!

I don't want to use their resources without at least patronizing the establishment. So I asked what was a good bottle to bring home. This is what I brought home. Senior's quadruple.

It is the most expensive bottle of ale I have ever purchased. Paying nine dollars cash (yes $9.00 for one 12 oz bottle), I brought this home. It's called "Senior's Quadrupel" and I know why it's called that. 13.4 ABV is about 4x that of normal ale. It's strong!

I figure 3 oz at a time will allow me to enjoy four delicious (but small) glasses of this premium beer. I suppose 9/4 is $2.25, which is about what I would expect for a premium microbrew. I use my little desert wine glasses to enjoy this brew. This is sort of like a desert ale!

Best served very cold, this beer is bitter/sweet. The color is a beautiful dark red. The description says it is made with "dark candy sugar" and at first I thought caramel, but my wife suggested tootsie rolls.

I'm pretty sure that's the flavor. Sort of chocolaty sweet, with the bitterness of hops. It's a great combination and when cold, sip after sip is well enjoyed.

I love micro-brew beers, because they use all sorts of unconventional methods of achieving the flavors they want.

Yesterday, I stopped by again and I think I saw the man pictured on this bottle!

He was pretty busy and I was "on the clock" getting my data into the app, so I didn't get a chance to confirm this or chat. I would have been fun to ask a few questions about this ale, especially if my guess is correct that the "dark candy sugar" is actually tootsie rolls.

That's what is wonderful about local wineries and breweries: they are usually family owned and operated and it's easy to meet the makers of the product! Maybe if I go back, I'll sit down with "Senior" and learn more about this delicious drink.

I would even say it's worth the $9 for the drink and for the internet and bathroom.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


Teach Your Children Liberty from Sin

We encourage parents to teach their children principles of Godliness, beginning with the Word and an understanding who God is and what His Son has done to form a relationship with us.

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