Climbing Mount Kleten Aceh



Hi Sarang friends, this time I want to share my adventure climbing Mount Kleten which is located in Takengon, Aceh Province. This mountain has a height of almost 4 to 5 kilometers if calculated from the guide post. and everyone who climbs the mountain must keep whatever we bring clean, so don't forget to bring it back down because the aim is to protect the environment and preserve nature.


Our climbing trip began at 01:00 am at which time we entered the valley entrance in the middle of a wilderness filled with trees with many roots. Many of these trees were also covered in fog, making our journey slow but we didn't realize it. Giving up on the climb we continued walking until we reached shelter 1


Continuing our journey from shelter 1 to shelter 2 was filled with very tragic challenges because it was raining, the journey was filled with very high hills and inclines, so we tied a rope around each of our friends' waists in sequence. to anticipate it. which one is safer.

Finally we arrived at shelter 3 just as the sun was about to set at 06.30 maghrib. We rested there and then prepared food to fill up our energy so we would be strong when climbing to the top. The food we eat is porridge


because to maintain stamina and health we prefer healthier food so that when we continue our journey our bodies still feel fresh and fit

After that we slept and rested so that our stamina would be full again.
And finally we continued our journey to the top at 06.00 am because our target when we reached the top was to see the momentum when the sun was rising 😍
We arrived at the top at 06.30. At the top I saw the extraordinary beauty that God created



The tiredness that we felt was finally relieved by seeing how beautiful the creation that God had given us was, we were grateful to be able to see such a beautiful view.


It was really nice to be able to do a joke portrait with my friend hehehe, who was tired and still really needed rest, but when we saw this view we were very excited to do a portrait on the mountain.
to my nest friends, thank you for supporting me in developing story designs and I will always provide my best experiences and stories to my nest friends. Maybe that's the end of my post, see you again in my next post, bye bye... 😁
