You who feel that the progress of your life should be faster than it is now

You who feel that the progress of your life should be faster than it is now, hear this... Of the many things that can interfere with your progress, the two main ones are feelings of doubt and procrastination.

If doubt is a barrier to decisiveness and immediacy of your actions, remember that... 'A fool but sure, will defeat a clever man who doubts.' Is that what makes ordinary people in your eyes - beat you in so many ways?

If procrastination is the cause of your anxiety, which makes you feel like a good person who hasn't done anything good, remember that... 'What you procrastinate, you'll still have to do' - just guiltily, late, with apologies, or with the need to accept reprimands from others.

Doubt and procrastination are not good for you and for those who need your kindness. by : Mario Teguh


do it now, there is no term procrastinating, let it be stupid as long as you don't delay postponing every activity, why are you knowledgeable and smart, just have knowledge and are smart to postpone desires. boasting without doing that is stupid, all the photos are beautiful, I'm glad I saw them.
