Yordle Lord is Back! TFT Pengu's Party


Hello gamers, I hope you are having a good day. Today I'm going to share with you my last game in TFT Set 11. Set 12 is currently on PBE and it's not long until it hits the servers. There won't be another TFT game for about 15 days, so enjoy this last game!


You can watch the gameplay here without commentary:

This game doesn't have any universe, Darius visited us and told us that there is a 30% chance that slain enemy champions will drop loot. This only gives you gold in the early game, but in the late game you can get important things like champion duplicators or champions worth 5 gold.

The Yordle mechanic is one of my favorites in this fun mode. If you have 5 3-star champions, you get Veigar, the Lord of Yordle. When you make him 3 stars...

It's Going to be Epic augment is the best augment I could pick. For every different Mythic champion that becomes epic, you get 3 gold and your strategist gets 2 health regeneration. Why I play this composition is because this is the composition where Yordles work best. I just need to make Kogmaw, Malphite, Chogath, Caitlyn and Neeko 3 stars.

The first 5 fights are pretty good for me. Yes, I lost a lot of them, but overall I managed to find the champions I was looking for and that's more important than anything else.

Raid Boss is a very useful augment in this composition because it makes Chogath immortal. Your strongest Behemoth champion gains 20% health and when other Behemoth champions die, 20% of their Armor and magic resistances are transferred to him.

By stage 3 I had officially finished the game. I had already 3-starred 4 of my champions and everything was going well. My opponents had no chance against me. Now all I have to do is reach level 6 and make Neeko 3 stars.

The middle game was perfect for me, I won all the fights. The only problem is that I took a look at the lobby and there are a lot of people playing Neeko. It won't be easy to make her 3 stars. Maybe I should wait for some of them to die for that.

For the last augment I really needed a small champion replicator but I couldn't find one. Instead I got a support item anvil. Moonstone Renewer is one of the best support items in the game.

This opponent had a 3 star Neeko and I was very happy to kill him and make the champions fall into the pool. Because there is a certain number of each champion in the game and if they are all found you can't find more lol.

The next round I managed to find Hwei and that was really important. As you know Hwei can copy champions and he does it even if he is not in the pool. All I need is to find 3 more Neekos and that makes 6 rounds. If I am lucky and I can find 1 Neeko I can make Neeko 3 stars in 4 turns.

And finally I managed to make Neeko 3 stars, albeit too late. Now I will start getting Veigar, which is a really powerful carrier.

Unfortunately I'm still a long way from beating this opponent, I think the only way to beat him is to have 2 stars Hwei and Veigar. But it will be very difficult for me to find it because he has so many Hwei. Still, I will not stop fighting.

Even the 2 star Veigar is so powerful you can't believe it! 20000 damage! 3 stars Kogmaw was carrying me at the beginning of the game but now he can't even do one fifth of the damage. Can I really win this game?

Unfortunately I couldn't, if only I could make Neeko a 3 star as fast as I did the other champions at the beginning of the game then it would have been possible, but it wasn't. I think the only thing that could have won me this game was 3 star Veigar.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Like I said, this was the last game I shared in set 11. I will be away from TFT for a while, take care and have a great day!

Play More, Live More!


It's always tough to lose, but it looks like you played strategically and made the most of your options. Nice one brother, you did awesome in my opinion. You found the champions


It's not a big deal, if you play this game you should be ready to lose 😂
