Sabancı Central Mosque and Historical Stone Bridge - Sabancı Merkez Camii ve Tarihi Taş Köprü [EN-TR]


Hello all you travel lovers, for those of you who don't know, my aunt came to visit me last week because my cousin won a university here. When they arrived, they wanted to visit the most famous places in this city and I decided to take them to a few of them. Normally, we were going to visit Taşköprü first and then Sabancı Central Mosque, the 2nd largest mosque in Turkey.

Things didn't go as planned because it was really hot. We got to the bridge but my aunt didn't like it very much. I really don't know what she expected from that bridge, it's just a stone bridge. But still its history is very impressive.

The bridge was built in the 4th century and has been repaired 4 times and is still in use today. The Stone Bridge is 319 meters long and 13 meters high. 14 of its 21 arches are standing. Two lion reliefs can be seen on the big arch in the middle. It is known as one of the oldest bridges still in use in the world. Source

It is incredible to me that this bridge has survived all these years. I think the fact that people in the past built such wonderful bridges without using technological things shows that they were much further ahead of us in terms of architecture.

My aunt didn't want to go to the mosque because of the heat of the weather and we went back without much trouble. Here are some of the wonderful photos I took that day:

The view from both sides of the bridge is amazing. The only problem is that the water is not very clean. I think the municipality does not work on this issue and there is seaweed everywhere. The smell is also a bit disturbing.

People use this bridge mostly for transportation. Bicycles and motorcycles can also cross the bridge. The first time I saw a motorcycle I was very surprised because I didn't know it was allowed.

I should have taken a selfie there, right? Such things are good memories. Who knows how I will feel when I look at it years later.

Another cool view...

In this photo you can see the seaweed in the water a bit more clearly. My intention was to show the opposite shore, but the seaweed is more striking.

This is my favorite view of the bridge. The mosque really adds a different dimension to the view. This mosque is also the mosque I mentioned in the title. Sabanci Central Mosque. I think it makes a great view with the Turkish flag. I'm waiting for your comments on this. Is it just me or is it really beautiful?

As I was leaving the bridge I saw some ducks there and I was a bit worried about them. As I said, the water doesn't look very clean. I hope they are living healthy.

A few days later the weather cooled down and I decided to go to both the bridge and the mosque with my cousin. Also, since the sun was close to setting, we were not affected by the sun and got much better views. Before we started the tour, my cousin and I had dinner on the terrace of the shopping center and our view was of the mosque we were about to visit. Since the mosque was closer to the bridge, we decided to start our sightseeing there.

Last time we went by car so I didn't have the opportunity to take photos during the trip. But this time, since we went on foot, I had the opportunity to take some photos from different angles and distances.

I think this is the best one I took 📸.

We entered the courtyard of the mosque and walked around the courtyard first. The exterior architecture was really great and it looked even more majestic up close.

This is probably an entrance that is not in use now. The enormous carvings outside the door are really eye-catching.

Then we went inside the mosque and the inside was much more beautiful than the outside. I had never been inside such a big mosque before. I couldn't stop looking at the ceiling. There was Arabic decoration everywhere.

The man at the gate told us that tourists often visit here and that this couple inside were tourists too. I overheard them talking a little and I think they were German. Germans love to visit Turkey.

The decorations and writings on the windows are very elaborate. I wonder how long it took to design the interior of this mosque. I am sure it took years because it is really full of details.

I went to the heart of the mosque and took a photo from there. It definitely looks more impressive from this angle.

The mosque also has a second floor. I asked the attendant if you can go up there and they only open it when the mosque is very crowded. That's why I can't share it with you. Also, you must have noticed that there is something inside the columns. They are air conditioners. In a very hot city like Adana, they even thought of that and put air conditioners in there so that people can worship in the summer without being affected by the heat.

This is where the imam comes out to preach. There are wonderful decorations there as everywhere else.

And this is where the imam leads the prayer. It is beautifully carved.

I wanted to take a close-up of the window. There are no motifs like the windows above, but there are still beautiful details on the ceiling.

I asked my cousin to take a picture of me inside the mosque but I didn't know how to pose. I don't know why I look like a robot 🤣.

We were about to leave the mosque when they turned on the lights. That changed the ambiance. I took one frame from my cousin's phone and one frame from my phone and we left.

Then we walked to the Stone Bridge and I took some photos there. In the photos you saw at first, the seaweed was not very visible. Look at the photos here and you will understand what I mean. Actually it has a very wonderful view but these seaweeds spoil the atmosphere of this place. And as I mentioned, it also smells bad. I will make an appeal to the municipality about this. I hope there is something that can be done to clean it.

Thank you very much for reading. @macchiata said that traveling is a disease and once it bites you, it will never let you stop 😅. I guess she is right. Because I used to love sitting at home and spending time, but now I get bored. Don't be surprised if I write another travel article soon. Have a great day!


Hepinize merhaba gezi severler, bilmeyenler için geçen hafta halam beni ziyarete geldi çünkü kuzenim burada üniversite kazanmıştı. Geldiklerinde bu şehirdeki en meşhur yerleri gezmek istediler ve ben de onları birkaç tanesine götürmeye karar verdim. Normalde önce Taş Köprü'yü arkasından da Türkiye'nin en büyük 2. camisi olan Sabancı Merkez Camii'ni ziyaret edecektik.

İşler planladığımız gibi gitmedi çünkü hava gerçekten çok sıcaktı. Köprüye geldik ama halam köprüyü pek de beğenmedi. O köprüde ne beklediğini gerçekten bilmiyorum. Sadece taştan bir köprü. Ancak yine de tarihi çok etkileyici.

Köprü 4. yüzyılda inşa edilmiş ve daha önce 4 defa onarılmış ve günümüzde hala kullanılıyor. Taş Köprü 319 metre uzunluğunda ve 13 metre yüksekliğindedir. 21 kemerinden 14’ü ayaktadır. Ortadaki büyük kemerde iki aslan kabartması görülmektedir. Dünyanın halen kullanılan en eski köprülerden biri olarak bilinmektedir. Source

Bunca yıl bu köprünün ayakta kalmış olması bana göre inanılmaz. Eskiden insanların teknolojik şeyler kullanmadan bu kadar harika köprüler inşa etmiş olması onların mimari açıdan bizim çok daha ilerimizde olduğunu gösteriyor bence.

Havanın sıcaklığından dolayı halam camiye de gitmek istemedi ve çok takılmadan geri döndük. O gün çektiğim harika fotoğraflardan bazıları işte burada:

Köprünün iki tarafının da manzarası harika. Tek problem suyun çok temiz olmaması. Sanırım belediye bu konuda bir çalışma yapmıyor ve her yeri yosun kaplamış durumda. Kokusu da birazcık rahatsız edici.

Bu köprüyü insanlar daha çok ulaşım için kullanıyor. Köprüden bisikletler ve motosikletler de geçebiliyor. Motosikleti ilk gördüğümde çok şaşırmıştım çünkü serbest olduğunu bilmiyordum.

Orada bir selfiem olmalıydı değil mi? Böyle şeyler güzel hatıralar. Yıllar sonra baktığımda kim bilir neler hissedeceğim.

Bir başka güzel manzara.

Bu fotoğrafta sudaki yosunları biraz daha net görebilirsiniz. Bunu çekme amacım karşı kıyıyı göstermekti aslında ama yosunlar daha dikkat çekici.

Köprünün en sevdiğim manzarası ise burası. Cami gerçekten manzaraya farklı bir boyut katıyor. Bu cami aynı zamanda başlıkta bahsettiğim cami. Sabancı Merkez Camii. Türk bayrağıyla birlikte harika bir manzara oluşturduğunu düşünüyorum. Sizin de bu konudaki yorumlarınızı bekliyorum. Acaba sadece bana mı güzel geliyor yoksa gerçekten güzel mi?

Köprüden ayrılırken orada birkaç ördek gördüm ve onlar için biraz endişelendim. Dediğim gibi su pek de temiz görünmüyor. Umarım sağlıklı bir şekilde yaşıyorlardır.

Birkaç gün sonra havalar serinledi ve hem köprüye hem camiye kuzenimle birlikte gitmeye karar verdim. Ayrıca güneş batmaya yakın olduğu için güneşten de çok etkilenmedik ve çok daha güzel manzaralar yakaladık. Gezmeye başlamadan önce kuzenimle alışveriş merkezinin terasında yemek yedik ve manzaramız birazdan ziyaret edeceğimiz camiydi. Cami köprüden daha yakın olduğu için gezmeye oradan başlamaya karar verdik.

Geçen sefer arabayla gitmiştik bu yüzden yolculuk esnasında fotoğraf çekme fırsatım olmadı. Ancak bu sefer yürüyerek gittiğimiz için farklı açılardan ve mesafelerden birkaç fotoğraf çekme fırsatı buldum.

Sanırım çektiğim fotoğraflar içinde iyisi bu 📸.

Caminin avlusuna girdik ve önce biraz avlusunda dolaştık. Dış mimarisi gerçekten harikaydı ve yakından daha haşmetli görünüyordu.

Burası muhtemelen şu an kullanılmayan bir giriş. Kapının dışındaki muazzam işlemeler gerçekten göz alıcı.

Daha sonra caminin içine girdik ve içerisi dışarıdan çok daha güzeldi. Daha önce hiç bu kadar büyük bir caminin içinde bulunmamıştım. Kendimi tavana bakmaktan alamadım. Her yerde Arapça işlemeler vardı.

Kapıdaki görevli burayı turistlerin sık sık ziyaret ettiğini söyledi ve içerideki bu çiftin de turist olduğunu söyledi. Ufak bir konuşmalarını duydum ve sanırım onlar Alman. Almanlar Türkiye'yi ziyaret etmeyi seviyorlar.

Camların üzerindeki dekorasyonlar ve yazılar çok özenle yapılmış. Bu caminin iç dizaynının ne kadar sürdüğünü merak ediyorum. Yıllar sürdüğüne eminim, çünkü gerçekten caminin her yanı detaylarla dolu.

Caminin tam merkezine geçip bir fotoğraf da oradan çektim. Bu açıdan kesinlikle daha etkileyici görünüyor.

Cami'nin bir de ikinci katı var. Görevliye oraya çıkılıp çıkılmadığını sordum. Orayı sadece caminin çok kalabalık olduğu zamanlarda açıyorlarmış. Bu yüzden sizinle orayı paylaşamayacağım. Ayrıca kolonların içinde bir şeyler olduğunu fark etmiş olmalısınız. Onlar klima. Adana gibi çok sıcak bir şehirde bunu bile düşünüp oranın içine klimalar yerleştirmişler, bu sayede insanlar yaz aylarında sıcaktan etkilenmeden ibadet edebiliyor.

Bu kısım imamın vaaz vermek için çıktığı yer. Orada da her yerde olduğu gibi harika dekorasyonlar var.

Burası da imamın namazı kıldığı yer. Harika bir oyma işçilikle yapılmış.

Pencereyi bir de yakından çekmek istedim. Üstteki pencereler gibi motifler yok ancak tavanında yine güzel detaylar var.

Kuzenimden caminin içerisinde beni çekmesini istedim ancak nasıl poz vereceğimi bilemedim. Neden robot gibi göründüğümü bilmiyorum 🤣.

Tam camiden çıkacaktık ki ışıkları açtılar. O da ortamın ambiyansını değiştirdi. Kuzenimin telefonundan bir kare, bir kare de kendi telefonumdan çektim ve oradan ayrıldık.

Daha sonra Taş Köprü'ye yürüdük ve orada birkaç fotoğraf çektim. İlk başta gördüğünüz fotoğraflarda yosunlar tam belli olmuyordu. Bir de buradaki fotoğraflara bakın ve ne demek istediğimi anlayacaksınız. Aslında çok harika bir manzarası var ama bu yosunlar buranın havasını bozuyor. Ayrıca bahsettiğim gibi kötü kokması da cabası. Belediyeye bununla ilgili bir başvuruda bulunacağım. Umarım temizlenmesi için yapılabilecek bir şeyler vardır.

Okuduğunuz için çok teşekkürler. @macchiata gezmenin bir hastalık olduğunu ve seni ısırdığı zaman asla bırakmayacağını söylemişti. Sanırım haklı. Çünkü eskiden evde oturup zaman geçirmeyi çok severdim ancak şu an sıkılıyorum. Yakında bir gezi yazısı daha yazarsam şaşırmayın. Harika bir gün geçirin!


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That place is pretty awesome. Loved the pictures man.


Thanks man! I love that place too, it was impressive for me.


The architecture of the mosque is really beautiful, I never thought there would be such a beautiful and big mosque in Adana.


Hahaha I didn't know the mosque was so beautiful until I went there. Thanks for your comment baby.


Awesome shots!
If the water is a bit cleaner, the view from the bridge would have been so perfect.
Hope you won’t forget to file that appeal and hope the municipality does something about it.

Nice to see the photos inside too! Didn’t know you could take photos inside.


Thanks. Don't worry, I will do my best for that water cleaning thing.

Yeah, I didn't know that too but it is much better inside as you can see. Thanks for stopping by!


Lovely Clicks Incublus, The interior is beautiful, same with the environment. Fascinating Architecture⭐.


Thank you, kardesim. As you said, the mosque is beautiful inside and outside. I am very happy to introduce it to you.



Hello, my friend! Thanks go to @queenstarr for sharing your post in the #innerblocks community. With the recent changes on Discord, some BOTS aren't operating as they should. In this case... that would be the Curation BOT. SO... here I am instead!!

From your post:

I should have taken a selfie there, right? Such things are good memories. Who knows how I will feel when I look at it years later.

Memories indeed! And what wonderful memories at that! I'm sorry to hear the heat caused problems. I am sure if it would have been cooler, your aunt might have enjoyed the bridge more... yes?

These are beautiful photographs... you've taken us... your readers. Places we might never have been able to! Excellent job in sourcing your information as well! I'd only suggest sharing what camera you used to take such amazing photographs!

Thank you again, for taking us with you!

Love and light brother...



@tipu curate


Thanks to you and thanks to @queenstarr for sharing my post there.

The city where I live is hot in summer, but that day was beyond hot. I wish it had been cooler but there is nothing we can do about it.

Oh right, I should write which camera I used, all the photos were taken with iPhone 6. Except for one, which is my cousin's iPhone SE.

Have a nice day man.


Awe! Thank you so much Wes for honoring my selection🤗


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It's so nice reading travel experiences from the native perspective than foreigners. I often read/watch a lot of travelogue from them and I just feel like something is missing. I honestly have no doubt that the mosque there are amazing with beautiful architecture.

Things didn't go as planned because it was really hot. We got to the bridge but my aunt didn't like it very much. I really don't know what she expected from that bridge, it's just a stone bridge. But still its history is very impressive.

That's what I mean by uniqueness when you know the place very well. Locals would see it as something normal but for tourists, the story that lies behind the bridge piqued their interest.


Thanks mac, the mosque was really beautiful. Actually, I wish you could add Adana to your visit to Turkey. It is cheaper than Istanbul and Adana has the best food in Turkey.

You are so right about that. Locals don't care much about history but it is important for me. I really love history and historical places. I think I will travel more now hahaha.


See I guess now you're really infected with travel bugs. I am not currently on the road at the moment but will do soon. Still preparing logistics and stuff. Just making sure I have everything sorted back home before I am backpacking.


Which travel are you talking about? Turkey or somewhere else? I hope everything goes well for you.


@macchiata gezmenin bir hastalık olduğunu ve seni ısırdığı zaman asla bırakmayacağını söylemişti. Sanırım haklı

Bence de haklı gezmek yeni yerler keşfetmek güzellikleri girmek çok güzel. Çok güzel yerler gezmişsiniz. Camileri gezerken içindeki işlemeler benim de çok ilgimi çekiyor. Harika bir gezi yazısı olmuş ellerinize sağlık 🙏


Çok teşekkür ederim yorumunuz için. Bu kadar güzel işlemelerin dikkat çekmemesi garip olurdu 😊.


Hello @incublus. What an amazing travel episode dude! 👍

Oh how I deeply miss your beautiful country of Turkey! I've got loads of cherished memories from my exciting adventures there: delicious food, friendly locals, shopping, and of course, historic architecture. 😊

Is it true that Turkey's name has been officially changed to Turkiye?


Dude, I didn't know you visited Turkey. You really summarized my country in a great way.

I've seen a few news and statements about it, you can probably guess why. Because this is also turkey, which is an animal in English. Nevertheless, I will continue to use it as Turkey until I see that it is used by everyone. Thanks for stopping by!


That's right @incublus! I couldn't get enough of your marvelous homeland. There are simply so many treasures waiting to be appreciated, explored, and enjoyed by adventurers like me. I absolutely dream of traveling back to your part of the world in the near future, time-permitting. Perhaps, you can give me a special tour when that happens? haha 😁

I understand that the planned name change for Turkey wouldn't be an easy decision since most citizens are already used to the usual title. But whether they're going to implement it or not, your gorgeous country will always be one of my most favorite destinations on Earth. 😊👍


Dude, if you come to Turkey, just let me know. I am ready to travel with you. That would be really fun.

I hope people will get used to it quickly and I will get used to it quickly. It is not easy to get rid of habits.


The mosque looks really nice and it's s nice place.
May I know what's the second language you use there as TR?

Update: Oh I understand, its Turkish. 😊


Thanks dude. Yeah it is a really cool and historical place.

And yeah it was Turkish. Thanks for stopping by.


Impressive building that Mosque, the glas painted windows remind of the churches and cathedrals we have all over Europe.

i see both legs still look healthy after the kid attack .🤣


Yes, it reminded me of the churches I have seen in movies or in posts here.

Hahaha yes a few days later the sign was gone. 😂


Very interesting place, one of place in my list! thank you @incublus for sharing!


You'r more than welcome. It was my pleasure to share this post with you. Are you in Turkey or are you going to travel to Turkey?


I am planning to go perhaps early next year. :)


Nice, I hope you like my country.
