3 Star Pantheon Not Enough? TFT - League Of Legends


Hello all of you Hive Gaming followers, I continue to play TFT and I think I'm about to figure out the meta. Every day I learn something new and try something new, and today I decided to try something I was curious about but never tried. Or rather, I can say that the game went that way.


In today's game, this little dragon will be with us. I like him a lot and he is very cute. I am very lucky to have a dragon that can play the guitar 🎸🎶.

I was very happy when the Augment screen came up. In my previous post I told you how useful it is to know what you are going to play at the beginning of the game. I could have chosen either Warrior Crown or Mirage Crown, but since I have played Mirage composition before I wanted to show you something different. I clicked on the Warrior Crown and decided to play 6 Warriors. I already had Yone, I had 2 star Sett and I made him Warrior. I also found Olaf, the only thing I was missing was to find Wukong and unlock 4 Warrior buffs. I knew I would be extremely strong this way.

I don't know if I had a few unlucky battles or my opponents were too strong. I managed to make Yone 2 stars, I found Wukong and look at this board. Now I think I'm very strong and it's impossible to lose, and my items were very good.

I was destroying my opponents, I won 4 battles in a row and usually not even 1 champion died. The opponent I'm playing right now, although he was strong, he could only kill 3 of my champions.

By the way, as you know, I will make a champion a warrior with the Warrior Crown and play 6 warriors. However, I didn't know which champion to make a warrior. I tried a few champions in front of me and Graves became a really great warrior. Look at the damage he deals. Just one star. He really surprised me and I decided to go with him. By the way, I kept winning, 7 win streak was very good. All I needed was to get to level 8 and find Pantheon and Yasuo. Then I would be 6 Warriors and I was sure I would win the game.

Graves kept surprising me more and more every round. I never expected him to be able to deal so much damage and he contributed to all the rounds I won.

What he did this round drove me crazy. My opponent has 4 3 star champions and the rest are 2 stars. He also has a Lux with great items. So I couldn't even dream of beating him, but 1 star Graves continued to do much, much more than I expected. And he made me win this round.

Then at level 8 I spent my gold and made my champions two stars, but all I was missing was Yasuo. Even 1 star would have been enough. Yone was also doing more than I expected. By the way, my last augment gives 25 AD to my top 2 ranked units. This is pretty good considering that all my champions hit from close range. It's called "Knive's Edge".

At the beginning of the battle, Rengar somehow one-shot my Graves. I was sure I was going to lose, but this time Yone showed himself and became the hero of the battle. That's the beauty of not being tied to a single carrier. You can always win the battle. My economy was also very good in this game. I had it in my head to make some champions 3 stars after I found Yasuo. For example Pantheon or Graves 3 stars could make me win this game.

Finally I found Yasuo and here you have 6 Warriors. I don't know if you've ever seen something like this, but I don't think so, because usually nobody likes to play Warriors and I wouldn't say they are overpowered. Still, after Pantheon came, it seemed a bit more powerful and playable to me. Moreover, Graves Warrior also has great power.

One of the meta compositions right now is 8 Dragonmancer Jayce carry. I have to admit that he is really strong. If you're playing it, you can see that it's very powerful. His items weren't very good and I think that's why I simply beat him, I think it's kind of a bug. So 8 Dragonmancer and Jayce are actually very unrelated and it works. I'm sure he was very surprised when I beat him lol. Try it on the next game man!

At the end of the game it was just the two of us, the Astral player and me. I had 94 lives and he had 70. So we both dominated the game and one of us was going to be the winner. I thought I was going to win because I was much stronger than him, for now of course.

As you can see, things didn't turn out the way I expected. The opponent was much stronger than I expected. I don't know, he's got Twitch on his board or something. Just for the Swiftshot buff. Still, I didn't even come close to beating him. He also had two Neekos. Wtf?

I kept losing. I wish I'd just gotten eliminated. After that, my opponent started making fun of me. He lined up his champions in front of me and purposely lost to me for a few rounds. At first I didn't understand why he did that.

I found a Pantheon from the carousel and made Pantheon 3 stars! I thought I could win now.

WHAT THE FUCK!!! 3 stars Aurelion Sol and 3 stars Zoe? Man that's really too much and I've never had such a strong opponent in any game. The gold he spent just to make these two champions 3 stars is 126. I don't understand how this happened. I thought I was in good shape and look at this, I can't believe it.

I think you should see this too. As soon as Aurelion Sol casts his ultimate, he one-shots all my champions. Only Pantheon had like 1% health left and he died immediately.

Sorry for sharing so many screenshots from the same fight but look at the damage. 32.9k damage in one ultimate! So with my composition you are 100% likely to come 1st. There is no way you can beat such a strong opponent. I can assure you that the chances of you playing against such a strong opponent is 1 in 10000, maybe 1 in a million.

Here are the rankings. I'm still shocked looking at my opponent's champions:

Anyway, I won't cry about it anymore, thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. You can write anything you want about the game or not in the comments. Have a great day!

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1.229 NEOXAG


Knive's Edge

Is like the ruleset CLOSE RANGE in Splinterlands. Archers can attack attack from any position.

O wow, that AUrelion is massive impressive too, look at the span of its damage.

Better luck next time, you're already a champ here, just need these wicked strong monsters on your side🙃💪

TFT is so much fun, I want to add this to my play list soon.

0.002 NEOXAG

TFT is definitely fun, but sometimes even if you are lucky, your opponent can be much luckier. There is nothing you can do about it. If you start playing I can teach you a few things and we can play together. At least if you start on the LAN server.

0.000 NEOXAG

The Aurelion Sol 3 stars that madness D: but equally you also made an incredible effort. I have not been able to play in the new patch, but if I have seen it, I think it looks amazing, you would have easily been TOP 1 against another composition that did not have AS 3 start.

0.002 NEOXAG

Thanks for stopping by and for your comment, man. I totally agree, it's not hard to get 1st place with this composition. Just a bit of a good early game start and Yone 2 stars will allow you to transition very comfortably to the late game.

0.000 NEOXAG

I do think this logo is the winner. It looks iconic and it stands out. :) But give the logos a test run and see where it leads~ PEACE!~

0.005 NEOXAG

I think this is the one that I like the most. But I'll still use the others because sometimes these colors don't match the thumbnail and then I think I'll use another one instead.

0.000 NEOXAG

I didn't know pantheon was in tft, what a great game bro, I'm going to try that combo.

0.002 NEOXAG

Yeah Pantheon just came to TFT with new set. This composition is really strong just play it if you can and have fun!

0.000 NEOXAG