Space Vessel -5minutefreewrite
that's the sound of the intergalactic generational space vessel. Over the millenia, it has grown decrepit. It still flies, but the people on board have lost many of the historical digital files that told them what they were doing and why. Some of the ship's systems have failed to do what they were designed to do. There's been some escaped moisture and mold, and in millenia, there has been some rust and dust in many parts of the ship.
There's even rats.
For millenia still, not much will happen. Not much at all.
they'll travel through empty empty days and weeks and years. It will be exhausting. Or not... it will just be that every day is like the last. The children will grow older and be raised by loving parents... There will be attempts to keep the ship up, but it was built to be sustained by automated systems, and those will have failed, and the people on board will not be entirely up to the task
this space vessel is not doomed, but neither is it idyllic. And the people don't know that their purpose is for the generation after theirs times 1000 to reach a viable star system.
How can I type and watch my kid at the same time. But not looking at what I', tyoping
As the saying goes: too many cooks spoil the broth.
It seems to me that this applies to the ship on which we are sailing.
A ship that is steered by many selfish captains can only end up on a sandbank and be broken up.
still dreaming?