Conceive -5minutefreewrite



I can't conceive of how I missed this one


it's important

to understand

WHat's going through my head... what always does, is , do the things work the way I thought they did? AM I wrong?

MMmmmmm WHat's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?!?

How is it the wrong moment to be a person? It's not. is it? It's not. whooo oohooo

Ok, gonna focus up.

This is a story about conceiving

Mmm Conceiving

Nah... let's go towards the conception of a thought. Can you even believe can you even conceive of an infinity pool? That'd be fun to have. Not in the scary fall off a building way...maybe at the top of a big hill. But like a hill that you're not going to hurt yourself rolling down so there's no reason to be afraid. a grassy hill. or I dunno. whatever

I just like being in water. the ocean is the best infinity pool. I like the ocean. I wonder if I'd like lake michigan in the summer? I don't feel like we ever went into the water in lake michigan. it was always smaller lakes or ponds that we visited for...

Oh, I'm way past my time.

0.000 NEOXAG