7 years of Punday Monday!
I mislabeled this week's Punday Monday (here: https://peakd.com/hive-150329/@improv/punday-monday-364-sh19or)
I thought it was 364, but that was last week's. It's 365!!!!
That means if you took all the Punday Mondays, you'd have a whole year of solid Pundays! Incredible!
Please, if you've ever participated, celebrate with me with a pun!
All my punsters, you have been incredible! You lift my spirits, you give me something to think about, you are a lovely community! Thank you for your participation over the years! And those of you I haven't seen in a while, I miss you!
Congratulations to you for doing this for a whole of seven years
Your consistency is golden
To lift your spirits
just hoist a glass!
Congratulations on this milestone! You've been creating and encouraging pure pundemonium for 7 years. Impressive, man. I would love to have these hosted in FC!
I will post today's in the FC community!
Fantastic! Now I definitely have to participate 😉
You got about about 5,280 feet worth of puns in this MILEstone!