⭐️ Rising Star - New February goals. Opened two new card packs and progress updates
Hello and welcome to all the readers.
A good progress in the risingstar world.
Start of a new month, time to define new goals for risingstar game.
New February Goals:
Task | Goal | Current Status | Balance |
Level | 127 | 124 | 453 XP still needed |
Starbits | 100000 | 14021 | 85979 |
Swap / Music Promoter | 60000 | 0 | 60000 |
Custom shop missions | 15 | 0 | 15 |
Promote Fan club missions | 131 | 106 | 25 |
Ego | < 10% | 0% | - |
*Ranking | < 200 | 228 | - |
Currently doing a open mic night mission.
Game progress:
Today, first i did my millionaire mission and then two card packs.
Card Pack 1:
117 Marcia - 5 fans, 10 skill
i127 Cherry Burst Bass - 1 luck
R284 Brian - 150 fans, 150 skill, 3 luck [rare]
A decent card pack. 1 unique and 2 duplicate card added to the collection.
Card Pack 2:
R290 TDC's Modular Rack - 50 luck [rare]
i129 RSK Mini - 5 luck
i119 Recorder - 1 luck
A decent card pack. 3 duplicate card added to the collection.
Overall, added 1 unique and 5 more duplicate cards.
Game Stats:
Skills - 68699 from cards, 91023 from lessons
Fans - 82634 from cards, temporary 10392
Luck - 19068
Cards - 2053
Ego from fans - 93026 (10392 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 40098
Total - 133124
Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 50000
Players Ranking:
Rare cards for Sale:
The following rare cards are up for sale.
Card | Sale Price |
R128 Luthien | 2.9 Swap.Hive |
R147 Leon | 3.99 Swap.Hive |
R158 Goose | 3.5 Swap.Hive |
R188 Nytehawker | 3.15 Swap.Hive |
R206 Rick | 1 Starpro |
R186 Ivan | 2.5 Swap.Hive |
R213 SA Cream Mic | 0.75 Swap.Hive |
R207 Jesmel | 1.3 Swap.Hive |
R211 Giovanna | 2.25 Swap.Hive |
Anyone interested in buying cards for CTP tokens?
Thank you for reading my post.
Have a nice day.
Failure is not the opposite of Success. It is part of Success.
--- William Ritter
Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/rising-star-opened-two-more-card-packs-and-progress-updates
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