⭐️ Rising Star Giveaway - Question of the Day [2 x 5000 STARBITS ] and more... Ends 25th August midnight EST. (UTC - 05:00 hrs)). + custom missions + Game Stats and progress...

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

Adding a bit of flavour in the post.

In this round, 2 winners can win 5000 starbits. You just need to answer the question of the day.
Please read the rules before commenting to avoid disqualification or attracting downvotes. Winner will be drawn on 26th August 2023.

Before i go to the question of the day. I would like to share a youtube video on "The History of Guitar". The video is hosted by Rob Scallon where Brandon Acker takes us through the history of guitar.

Source - Youtube.com

Also, sharing shorts on how the guitar has been played past 70 years.
Source - Youtube.com

Please do comment your views.

Ok, lets move on.

Question of the day: [2 winners x 5000 Starbits]

Today's artist i am showcasing is Peter Andre.

Peter Andre is a British singer and television personality. Peter Andre achieved success in the mid-1990s as a singer, topping the UK Singles Chart with "Flava" and "I Feel You" in 1996. He also featured in the television series "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me out of here" in 2004. His most popular song has been "Mysterious Girl".
Jamaican beats and rapping by rapper Bubbler Ranx, adds flavour to the song.
I do remember playing the song "Mysterious Girl" on my walkman.

So my question is?
Which year was the song "Mysterious Girl" released and what was the name of the album?

Source - Youtube.com


  • Comment below the name of the album and the year the song was released, with your risingstar name (if different).
  • Please refrain from 'count me in' comments.
  • Upvote and re-post not necessary, but it helps.
  • Share this post with your friends so that they can also participate. [spread the word]
  • The giveaway will end on 25/08/23 midnight EST. (UTC - 05:00 hrs)

Good Luck to everyone.

My game progress and stats:

Today, first i did my millionaire mission and then did 4 custom production fair mission.
2 SilverSpeakers, 1 ChromeMixer and 1 BlackMixer. No gold part today.

Also, opened a card pack

i154 Chime Bar - 10 luck
137 Teagan - 10 fans, 5 skill
R370 Touring Coach - 550 fans, 0 skill, 3 luck [rare]

A decent card pack. 1 unique and 2 duplicate card added to the collection.

August Goals:

TaskGoalCurrent StatusBalance
Level1431424127 XP to next level
*Swap / Music Promoter/ hive-engine700004100029000
*Custom shop missions21183
Ego< 10%0%-
Ranking< 200208-

I need approx 4571 starbits per day to reach my starbits goal. The amount includes the starbits required for swap/music promoter/custom shop missions.

Game Stats:


Skills 105859 - from cards, 253459 from lessons
Fans - 123529 from cards, temporary 0 minus 0 fans at a rave.
Luck - 28613
Cards - 3011

Ego from fans - 123529 (0 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 67162
Total - 190691

Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 90000

Players Ranking:


Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


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--- William Ritter

Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/rising-star-giveaway-question-of-the-day-2-x-5000-starbits-and-more-ends-23rd-august-midnight-est-utc-0500-hrs--custom

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Peter Andre created this album in 1996, spring I want to say. And it's from album called Natural. LOL i'm surprised I still remember this song. I was still new to Canada, lol.


Released in 1996 and the Album is called Natural


count me in @jfang003

The song was released in 1996 and the album name is Natural.
