My piece of advise


Advice is one of the elements of life. Any person who says he or she doesn't need advice from others is not really ready for life. No one is an island; a tree can't make a forest. For us to reach the heights we wish for or achieve success, we must be ready to listen to others and learn from their mistakes.

What advice would I give to a friend or a relative? Well, let me start with those close to my heart. As a teacher, I love my students. So to all the students out there, I would say there is no short cut to success in academics. You must be willing to study hard. Most times, I know studying might seem a little stressful, but I tell you, there is so much joy in having good grades. I remember a student of mine who was an average student. One day, I asked him what the problem was. He said he does not like reading; he just listens to what is being taught in class, and during examinations, he would just answer the question he remembers. I was shocked and told him that he needs to read so that he can be the best; that average is not good enough. He agreed, but he gave me a condition that if he didn't make good grades, he would go back to his old method. I agreed. That term, when he saw his results, he was shocked at his grade. He now saw the need for studying. He became one of the best students at our school.

Are you out there, and it seems that you are struggling in your business? Well,my advice is for you to do an evaluation. Check what you have been doing wrong. Your location is suitable for the kind of business you are doing. Your business must be located close to your target customers.
Another issue How do you understand the business you are doing? Most people just start a business without knowing anything about it. This is wrong. Study the business you are going into, or if you have already started the business, seek advice from someone who is well-versed in it.
Did you just start a business, and it seems that the business is not making enough profit? Don't worry, just keep calm. The time for profit is coming. Just keep doing what you are doing. Remember, Rome was not built in a day.

Now let's talk about life in general. Some of us are worried because we feel like we have not figured out our lives yet. Well, life isn't complex. It's just the nature of man to be worried. Just relax; everything will be alright. We can't get to the apex or the top of the mountain without obstacles. Tough times will arise, but you must not give up. If you are doing the right thing, just keep doing it. You will definitely reach your life goals. And do not compare yourself to others. Life is in phases, and each difficult phase will surely pass. Remember that in life, you are not competing with anyone. Just do your thing; you are not in a race. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Take life one step after the other. I believe advice is very important in life. I always ask for the opinion of others because I know two heads are better than one. Take life easy, keep pushing, show love to others, and have fun.


This is a nice advice for a student that didn't love to reading. To be successful in their academic they need to read.
Thanks for sharing


Advice is one of the elements of life. Any person who says he or she doesn't need advice from others is not really ready for life

So many people think they can be on their own without needing advise and this is actually bad


Very bad dear, thanks for stopping by 💗


Of course getting advice from people is good but how many of us make good use of good advice?


They may not know it usefulness today, but time will tell


That child really is a brilliant one. For him buying your idea, at same time contemplating to go back to his previous method shows that he's not a dull one, all he needed was guidance and thank you for being there.


It's good to be taking people's advise, especially when it's a good one. Thank you darling for stopping by
