6 Things Which Poor People Do but Rich Not



Who wanted to live in poverty? No one. There are certain things which usually poor do and rich not. I'm only mentioning a few which I observed in people so I can recognize who is poor or rich. We all wanted to be rich and settle in our lives but don't dare to do anything for that. After reading this, you can judge who you are.

Here you go,

1. Watching TV

Poor people loved to watch the television where they spend a lot of time watching their favorite drama serial or News channel. On the other hand, rich people wanted to come on TV that's why they work from day to night like anything.

So, poor people want entertainment instead of a peaceful happy life which can only be achieved with money. For example, if you don't do anything and wasting your time then what will be your afterlife? How will you survive with your family in this world where you need money to buy everything.

But, if you wanted to entertain yourself then you must do one thing, make a to-do list of 10 things which you can complete today. Then watch something for 10 minutes to devote yourself.

2. Street Hawkers

This is the point which normally all of the people don't focus on it. Poor people always prefer to eat from street hawkers without taking care of hygienic while rich people don't do this with their health.

This way, the poor become poorer later in life when he caught up with a lot of serious diseases then he took a lot of loans more than his capacity. After that, his children suffered a lot to fill the loan amount.

Take care of your health first while thinking about the future that how you are going to survive later in your life with a family. Make your family rich, don't make them stressed and debt takers.

3. Laziness

Poor people are lazier than rich folks who don't feel bored and lazy. Such poor people awake all night and wake up late while successful and rich people never do adopt this bad habit as they care about their health and goals more than a poor person. They also make lame excuses.

I have observed many people who work only when they finished their studies and their parents settle them on any job. If you can't learn how to earn money at your young age then you are completely failed while rich people start earning money in their school life. Those are called real self-made people and they don't bother their ancestors' wealth.

4. Sports Lovers

Did you ever notice that a businessman or any millionaire watching sports for a whole day? I haven't seen any, they don't like to support any of the team or watched for a long day with friends. They don't like to waste their time like poor people who used to spend hours in front of the TV with friends like a crazy banana.

Even poor people spend hours searching for sports personalities profiles and their family background. This is such stupidity to waste your precious time. Rich people don't buy tickets to watch live and search about them.

Are you holding a TV channel, sports match, cricketer, or owner of anything related to sports? Then why are you wasting your time? WHY? Think about it, please.

5. Blame on Others

Pauper always blames the other person for all of their failures. They don't accept their mistakes. Let me give you some examples, you are going for an interview where you got rejected and you came back and saying like those people are selected who bribes them. This is what are you only blaming without any proof. Such people always try to show them as a victim or an innocent.

On the other hand, rich people investigate the issue properly and analyze where they have made mistakes so they can cover it up next time. They keep trying and never give up. They never show themselves as a victim. This is the reason they become successful one day, unlike poor people.

6. Saving Money

Rich people having a lot of saving for the bad time unlike poor who never think to save money. In a bad situation, the poor will take a loan while the rich are already having money to spend.

Saving money is a wise decision that you made for the betterment of your later life. Some just can't save as they don't have such mindset, they prefer to spend on trivial things.

With this piece of article, I am going to leave. Before thinking about becoming rich, you need to be a happy person. Take care of your family and spend quality time with them.
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6 found.
Where is the rest four.
All six are very much true but depends on some exceptionals


I just changed the title. :P
Thanks for noticing and comment. :)


I prefer not to meet rich people because I find them boring and predictable.
As a matter of fact I gave all my money to them because they cannot live without it and I don't even want to see them.


This post was manually curated by @upmewhale, in combined efforts with the eSteem curation team to bring further support to our valued Steem community! Post curated, courtesy of @horpey

~ eSteem Curation Team


You are really good observer of people.

Very good article, thanks for share that wisdom!


I wasn't expecting you on my blog without winning your giveaways. 😂🤣


You can't predict unexpectable things 😜


This post was manually curated by @upmewhale, in combined efforts with the eSteem curation team to bring further support to our valued Steem community! Post curated, courtesy of @melinda010100

~ eSteem Curation Team
