My Wednesday walk with new friends
Hi everyone in the house.How are you?
I hope you had a great day.
As I was woken up by my phone alarm as usual,I remembered that today is Wednesday, immediately unsual joy passed through my mind and manifested quickly with an uncontrollable smile .
I forced my body out of the bed even when my body still needs rest due to early morning sweet cool breeze weather which has been drizzling with dews and slight rain. I rushed to the bathroom and freshened up,then quickly put on my Snickers; I just bought newly for Wednesday walk.
As I was dressing up,one of my new friends; Jackson called my phone "Guy, are you not coming for today's Wednesday walk we talked about yesterday or did you change your mind?" he asked.
"Not at all, how can I call it off when I'm the master planner,I'm almost true dressing up",i replied as he said " I and Mickey are waiting at the meeting point".
I quickly rushed out of my house and joined them.
We got started with gentle but firm walk with two hands at akimbo. We continued in that posture until we got to the Estate gate. When we were about changing position to walking with our hands lifted straight up, then I checked my pockets as I noticed I might have forgotten my phone at home to take pictures,it weakened my morale.Unfortunarely my friends are not with their own phones either, then we got continued.
When we got to Lokogoma Junction,we quickly took the Airport road axis as planned.
As we continued, Jackson was busy cracking funny jokes that made us laugh profusely. We kept at it gently but steady until got to Lugbe.Immediately we got there, Mickey demanded to rest and we joined him.We bought some drinks at the road side to quench our thirst.After few minutes,they demanded to go back as we have covered 1300 km ,"Let's go home ,next time we go farther than this" Jackson submitted as we all agreed to board tricycle, so that they can prepare for work quickly.When we got to Efab Estate gate,we quickly alighted and walked to various homes.
Honestly today's Wednesday walk embraced lots of fun as my new friends mesmerized the event with jokes and drinks which made it lively and fascinating . Infact those guys are fun to be with,I can't wait for next week Wednesday walk.
Thanks for stopping by and keep following @ikefelim for more updates on my Wednesday walk Experience.
It would be nice to see the photos you manage to take :)
Apologies please,next walk I will definitely take much pictures please
If walking is already very fun, doing it in the company of new friends is even better, I appreciate dear friend @ikefelim that you shared this walking experience. Happy Wednesday
Thanks a million
Hi dear @ikefelim
This is a nice post, but it would have been better if you included photos.
I mean the photos you took while taking your Wednesday walk.
It is very important here😊
Seriously I regret forgetting my phone at home but next walk will be indeed fun and definitely enough photos will be available. My Apologies ma.
Thanks a million for stopping by dear
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk :) perhaps next time you could take some photos on your walk and share them with us
Thanks for the correction and I sincerely apologize,next time enough photos will be uploaded.Anyways thank you so much,I appreciate so immensely