Friendship,Distance, Time zones and Nostalgia


Can we talk about losing our friends to relocation to other countries?

Growing up the plan was to become successful, live the good life, have our friends around, and create bonds with our friends and their families and their children pick up from where we stop but right now it sort of looks like these special friends of ours are scattered in different places.


We can't even see them whenever we want, we can’t talk to them whenever we want, we can’t spend time with them as much as we want and we can’t be there for them physically!

I woke up this morning feeling nostalgic, I just realized that I miss my friends especially those who have left the country. I thought about how they all left the country, some left a few years ago and others a few months ago and I was so sad. I wish them well but I still cannot control the way I feel sometimes about their absence.


I can stand having my friends in different cities in my country because I know one way or another we can always see but you see when they are far away in different countries, with different time zones I just can't help it!

Now we all are stuck with multiple calls and video calls. I can't see my friends whenever I want to, I can't show up at their doorstep to surprise them, I can't attend their weddings and I can't even hug them whenever they need to be hugged. It's so painful that I can only be with them virtually but that’s life for you, right? ”20 children do not play together for 20 years”


Most of them are far away from home with no family or friends, they only have themselves and it sometimes can be hard even if they don’t say it. It can be pretty hard to start all over and to also find your footing in a foreign land, you just can't run back home whenever you want to, you just have to be strong.

It hurts badly that I just might not see these precious friends of mine until we all leave the surface of the earth. All I have of them right now are the memories we shared and pictures we took back then when they were around.

In the last three months, four of my friends relocated. Some went to further their educations and others for work purposes.


I visited the city I grew up in only to discover that most people I knew had either left the city to another city or to another country.
I know how hard the country is and the need for people to go in search of greener pastures but how much more departures can this heart of mine take? I hope I don't wake up one morning and find out I'm the only one left here 😂😂.

I wish my friends the very best in all their endeavors and I pray they are all happy wherever they are.
Since I do not have the financial capabilities to go see them whenever I want, I’d have to get used to being stuck virtually with them and hopeful just one day we all can be reunited again, fingers crossed😃


If there's one thing I have learnt from all of these is to live peaceably with everyone as you never can tell when next you'd have them around.

So this is me just thinking out loud and writing about how I feel about my friends in diaspora and saving this on the blockchain.

What about you, are you losing your friends to relocations, especially out of the country? How do you feel knowing you are miles and miles away from your favourite people, I'll like to read your thoughts in the comment section.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

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Loads of Love


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No one likes seeing that their friends are far away from them but it ls something we experienced each days, people travels and start a living in another country, lt's great we can talked through phone, at least hearing their voices and seeing their photos on social media makes us feel they are close to us.


lt's great we can talked through phone, at least hearing their voices and seeing their photos on social media makes us feel they are close to us.

I totally agree with you, hearing their voices alone makes a huge difference.

Thanks for stopping by😃


Kind regards @ibbtammy
You share with us the longing and evocation of true friendship. And is that friends are one of the most precious gifts that life gives us, because they resemble and share with you affinities, with whom always happen things to reasure. It is inevitable that everyone goes their own way, generating distance, is to build life, but the strong emotional bond will last forever. Cultivate and fertilize the ground, be pampering in the details in virtuality, always express your immense love for them, surprise them with caresses of attention, solidarity and understanding, so the bond will remain alive and expectant and perhaps at the most unexpected moment the joy of the reunion face to face will arise.
Thank you for your contribution to our community and we take this opportunity to invite you to our weekly calls, we leave you the link of the current one in case you wish to participate Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #14 - Inspired By The Inner Blocks Community Health and wellness for you and yours !LUV

Saludos cordiales @ibbtammy
Compartes con nosotros el anhelo y la evocación de la verdadera amistad. Y es que los amigos son uno de los regalos más preciados que nos da la vida, porque se parecen y comparten contigo afinidades, con los que siempre pasan cosas para atesorar. Es inevitable que cada uno siga su camino, generando distancia, es construir la vida, pero el fuerte vínculo afectivo perdurará para siempre. Cultiva y abona el terreno, sé mimo en los detalles en la virtualidad, expresa siempre tu inmenso amor por ellos, sorpréndeles con caricias de atención, solidaridad y comprensión, así el vínculo se mantendrá vivo y expectante y quizás en el momento más inesperado surja la alegría del reencuentro cara a cara.
Gracias por tu aporte a nuestra comunidad y aprovechamos para invitarte a nuestras convocatorias semanales, te dejamos el link de la actual por si deseas participar Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #14 - Inspired By The Inner Blocks Community Salud y bienestar para ti y los tuyos.


Awwwwww dearest @marilour this was so lovely and thoughtful. You've said it all my dearest friend and I'll try to do all that you have said.

Thank you so much for your kind words, you are amazing😃

Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #14 - Inspired By The Inner Blocks Community

I’ll definitely check it out, thank you.


I don't have as many friends that have left Ghana, but I can understand you to some extent. For me, sometimes, it even makes me question if I'm doing enough, and it makes me sad because the trajectory Ghana is headed towards, you can tell that if you don't leave this country, you and your children will suffer. What I find solace in is normally telling myself that I'm doing the work, just that my time hasn't come yet. And I sincerely believe it. Perhaps, when your time comes, you'll reconnect with some of your long lost friends again if you happen to live close to each other.


you're lucky to HAVE so many friends! Even if they are far, you still can keep in contact with them, and it's the main.


Oh yeah, no matter how tough it gets we always try to keep in touch.

Thank you dearest !Lady
