Emotionally Supportive Friends

Having emotionally supportive friends is totally underrated. A lot of people want to have rich friends, successful friends and friends with networks and so on but it is important to have friends who are there to support you emotionally.

No one wishes to be an emotional wreck but when it happens having people offer a shoulder to cry on is very important.



Emotionally supportive friends are friends who are there for us emotionally, listening to us rant, curse, manage our outbursts and comfort us. They do not play the role of advisers or judges, they are active listeners, listening and processing every word we say and comforting us, you know how sometimes you just want to talk to someone and just need them to listen to you, these friends are always there to do the listening, and they are very patient and kind.

Emotionally supportive friends know the right words to say to us when we are down, they are people who see us in our vulnerable states and neither judge nor tease us with it. To me, they are the real MVPs.

Imagine listening to me go on and on nonstop about things that might not make sense but you still keep your cool to the very end, that’s patience at its peak bro!

I've been an emotional wreck this past week and the people who comforted me were my emotionally supportive friends and funny they aren’t even regular friends of mine.



My emotional outburst happened as a result of taking in too much, I was bottling up my emotions and it got to a point where I could no longer take it anymore.
You know one thing about being all strong and brave is people thinking you can take in everything. They believe you can suck in so much without cracking as a result of the tough skin you’ve built over time. They begin to see you as a superhuman but in reality, you are just a human being with blood flowing through your veins and capable of being vulnerable and weak once in a while.

If there's one thing I have learnt this past few weeks is that you shouldn't carry on so much emotional baggage than you can handle. The thing about bottling up your emotions is that it takes just the most minute thing to let the floodgate out.

While I kept wearing the big girl's boot, I think I had worn it for just too long and I needed to take it off for a while😃

I am one to believe that crying isn't a sign of one’s weakness nor something to be ashamed of as society sees it to be.
It is very normal to cry when you just can't take it anymore, simply put, crying is THERAPEUTIC.

While a lot of people would say crying doesn't change or fix a thing permit me to say that the aftermath of crying is wonderful.
Letting those tears flow uncontrollably and wiping your face just after crying is refreshing, you feel much lighter and sometimes you get clarity, so if you ever feel like crying? Cry and remember that you are not weak, you are only human and crying is just one of those human reactions.


During this period I learnt to respect my emotionally supportive friends as they helped a lot in making me feel good again.

Do you have an emotionally supportive friend or are you that kind of friend to others, I’d like to read your thoughts in the comment.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


Emotional supportive friends are priceless; I'm glad you have them to lean on when you need someone to listen 👂

It's true; crying is therapeutic; I cry when I can't hold things inside me anymore, and it helps so much. God put that water in our eyes for a very important reason.

I hope that you feel very better about the things stressing you emotionally; take care of yourself, dear Ibb ❣️ !LUV


Thank you so much Funshee love, God bless you❤️❤️


Anytime dear, Ibb 🥰 God bless you as well.


Healing energy on you.. I still haven’t learn how to share my sad moment with others, I just bottled it all up, avoid everyone and come start mingling again when I feel better or the problem solved


Bottling up can be risky sometimes you know but regardless you’d be fine.

Healing energy on you

Thanks a lot dearie😃


There is a saying in our Bengali language that heaven dwells with righteousness and perishes with wickedness. So I think a friend in our life needs to be a good person who will listen to our emotional words. Will inspire us. However, I think it is very difficult to find such friends nowadays.


I totally agree with you, it is so difficult to find friends we can lean on in hard times but the good thing is they actually exist.

Thanks for stopping by dearest !Lady😃
