It's never Too Late For A Good Deed


It was a bright summer morning in the City of Lagos. John was awake and ready to search for a new job in the heartbeat of the busy City, but before he could step outside of his small apartment his memory flashback to his mother giving him advice before he departed to the City. “John this is your first time going to a new city. There are a lot of strange things out there, and it won't be easy. If you keep your head high and be diligent in your job then success is certainly going to come your way go and make me proud".

John locked his door and immediately set out to find a new job. On his way, he decided to stop at a local street joint to get some food to eat. John ordered his favourite meal, beans and bread which is a good combination. John received his food with a smile on his face and began to eat his meal. Halfway through his meal, John got a call from a friend that there was a job waiting for John, and he needed to be present immediately for the interview.

Filled with exictment John could not finish his food as he rushed on his feet and quickly paid for his food and rushed to meet Frank, his friend. Frank was waiting at the agreed location he discuss with John on the phone. Frank was already getting tired of waiting, but as soon as he turned his head to the right, John was running down towards him at full speed.

Both friends exchanged pleasantries and headed straight to the company to take the vacant job. John asked Frank what the job entails and whether a certain year of experience is required before the job, but all Frank could say was to let them get to the company first. John's expectation was high, and he hoped to get a decent post in the company with a good salary.

The two friends got to the company, and Frank told John to wait for him at the reception. A few minutes later Frank arrived with an older-looking man to the reception. Frank introduces the man to John, and Immediately the older man told John he got the job and should start immediately. John was excited and asked where his offices would be, but the response was not what he expected.

He was hired to do a cleaning job at the company and was asked to quickly go into the changing room to put on the cleaning uniform and begin his job. John pulled his friend aside and asked why he did not tell him about the job, and Frank responded. " This is the only vacancy I could find, and since you were desperate for a job I decided to pick this one for you". Before John could say anything else Frank walked back to the older man, had a brief conversation and said goodbye to his friend.

Months passed and John still felt caged in his job. The young man had no choice than do it to earn a living. During his usual duties, John saw a novel on the desk of the receptionist, and he read the title out loud "Hope". Suddenly a smile came out of a grumpy face, and Job went back to continue to assign duties of the day.

John was heading back home after a long day of work and decided to stop by a store to pick up a few items, but as he approached the store he heard a cry at the back of a car. John slowly went to check who it could be and to his surprise found a little girl facing her head on her knees in tears.

He approaches the little girl, and once she noticed him she got scared. John saw that and kept a distance so she wouldn't run away. He asked the little girl, "What are you doing here all alone by this time of the night". The little girl responded in a tiny voice, " I got separated from my mummy in the market, and I can't find her anywhere". John replied, "Do you know the direction to your house" The little girl "No I don't know, all I know is that my house is block 24 Kings Street".

John assured the girl he would get home, and he set out with the little girl on his back. On his way, John asked for directions from different people but everyone he asked seemed to have no idea about the address. The little girl was tired and already falling asleep on his back, but John was determined he would get her home.

John kept on asking for directions, and as luck would have it the last person he asked was a neighbour of that address. The neighbour seeing Precious(the little girl's name) on the back of John took him to the girl's home. As John approached the house he saw a man and a woman standing outside looking worried.

Precious parents spotted John approaching their house and recognized their daughter on John's back. The parents rushed towards John and took their daughter off John's back gently into their hands. Precious mother could not keep her emotions inside and started shedding tears. John decided to make his way home, but Precious's Father tried to persuade him to come inside and have dinner with him so he could properly thank him, but John declined and said some other time.

Two weeks after the incident John was still doing his daily routine at the company. There was a rumour spread around the company that an important figure would be arriving, and everything had to be in place to give a good impression to the important client coming to the company.

Two hours later a car arrived, and Precious's father was seen coming out of the car. The Precious father made his way into the company, and when he turned his head to the left he spotted John mopping the floor. Mr Frank( Precious father) quickly approached John, both greeted each other and Mr Frank asked what he was doing in the company . John said he has been working in the coming as a cleaner for two months.

Mr Frank asked if he was educated and had this college degree. John said yes, and Mr Frank brought out a card from his pocket and handed it over to John and told John he must come and see him the next day because he has a job offer. John's story changed from that moment on because of the good deed.

Life sometimes doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more. Source


Because John was humble and kept the job that he did not like - fate brought him better opportunities. Sometimes people's lives can change because of a good deed or by being at the right place at the right time.

Posted using Neoxian City


Everyone should be encouraged to perform a good deed once in a while, who knows it could be the gateway to something beautiful.


A little good deed can turn things around for someone. John's humility over his cleaning job and his good deed to the poor girl made him great finally

Nice story here


It is sad these days people are discouraged to do good deeds. I saw a news one guy got shot because he wanted to return a wallet.
