Iftar activities in the Month of Ramadan
How are you Indonesian hive friends? I hope you are healthy and happy. I will share my experience of breaking the fast together. Muslim around the world are fasting in the month of Ramadan for month of ramadan for month.
Now in the next few days muslims leave the month of ramadan and at the end of ramadan muslims celebrate Eid 1444 year hijrah to coincide with April 21 or 22 in 2023. Many people carry out fasting in the month of ramadan to break their fast.
One of which is breaking the fast with the congregation of the mosque in the neigborhood association in the City of Sukabumi, West java, in this mosque it has been hereditary to hold iftar together during the month of ramadan, and many mosque have holding iftar activities together with the congregation as around the mosque.
The iftar activities that ask carried out at my place in the form of food or an appetizer of fasting or in the form of Takjil. Takjil for breaking the fast have many variations such as kolak pisang, kolak kolang- kaling or in the form of cakes, fruit, dates, rice porridge, and other dishes.
The question is where do the food dishes for breaking the fast come from ?, Where I live, the dishes for breaking the fast come from the community of 03 sub-district, Sukabumi city. The community is given a schedule for when to serve the fasting meal.
By means of the community to long turn according to the schedule made to provide a meal for breaking the fast around 30 to 40 people attend the mosque to break the fast.
Every time I pray for all those who serve to break the fast during the month of ramadan to be given an abundance of good luck, and to be given a long life to be able to meet again with the month of Ramadan.
Thank you for reading.
Credit: azazel5799
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