Environmental Condition After the Flood
Greetings everyone.
How are you Hive friends all good news of course. Thank you Ecotrain Community. A few days ago in a housing complex in Bojong village, Cikembar district, Sukabumi regency, west java, the Flood location is about 17 kilometers from where I live in the small town of Sukabumi.
One of those affected by the Flood, the Flood inundated the housing complex, with the water level inside the house about 1 meter more depending on the topography of the land, and the water outside is about 1,5 meters deep or even more.
Resident of the housing complex were not prepared to bring items such as clothes and other, Also those who had two- wheeled vehicles or Cars were mostly submerged. Resident were evacuated by the rescue team when the water still low.
the yellow line is the upper water level during floods.
The cause of flooding are natural factor and human factors, one of the natural factors is heavy rainfall and long intensity. The water that submerged the housing complex receded quickly, the Flood occurred at night.
The Community and the impact of the Flood.
After the water receded in the morning the Community began to clean the mud inside and outside the house. I happen to have a house but the house is rented by someone else, most of the items affected by the Flood can no longer be used,some clothes can be used by being washed clean and dried.
There are clothes that are washed at the laundry service, piles of garbage from the Flood are seen collected on the side of transported. Seen vehicles being repaired and one of the resident whose car was submerged, the car engine was removed and sold because the repair costs were very expensive.
The Community worked hard to clean the mud and clean clothes it took days to clean the dirty from the Flood. Painting the house, this small and simple house is repainted to make it look beautiful, and the house Will be rented out again.
before and after
Thank you, hopefully useful.
Happy days.
March 15,2025.