Book Review : Discovery 5 Eternal Secrets Before You Die

Greetings. Thank you Hive Book Club Community. On this occasion I tried to Review a book entitled Find 5 Eternal Secrets Before you Die, this book was written by JOHN IZZO PH.D. internasional best selling author.


The book I read is a translation into Indonesian. Translated from The Five Secrets you must discovery before you Die, by John Izzo, PH.D, printed in 2008. Printed 1 July 2012, PT Ufuk publishing house.

This book 270 pages.
1, Why there are people who can find the meaning of life and happy.
2, Why do I learn about life from a barber.
3, first secret : be honest with you self.
4, second Secrets: Don't have any regrets.
5, Third secret : be love.
6, Fourth secret : Live life with full heart.
7, Fifth secret: Give more than you get.
8, If you already know do it.
9, Prepare to welcome a peacful death.

This book is a motivasional psychology, this book is the result of interviews with more than 200 source. Who are considered by those closest to them to have found happiness and the meaning of life.


Each person interviewed is certainly unique and invite different Wisdom and important elements even though the source have many difference, why there are people who can find the meaning of life and happy death.

We have to discovery and the important fundamental fact of human life is time, we are very short in this world and no one know when death Will come. How to know how to express this one time life by living whole heartedly, wisdom is very different and much more important then knowledge.


The basic desire of humans is through happiness and exploring the meaning of a happy life, death is considered a trival and insignificant word. The meaning of life is created through connection with some thing that is out side of our serves and happiness is closely related to important moments in out lives.

Honest with our selves, some Times we also feel that the truth they reved are not some thing new to them, not only have they Mastered these Secrets for, very long time but they are also able to convey them to others through various means expression from time to time.


The different between people who live prosperously and die happily from most other people is their habit of asking them selves is Heather they have lived the life they want and following the promptings of their heart to get the answer they are looking for.


The first big secret is bring honest with your self. Don't have any regrets. At the end our lives we Will not regret all the plants we have faces even though the result did not match expectations.

No one regrets having tried but failed, in fact most Will feel but failed, in fact most Will feel sad because they don't have the course what they did later is the fact that in the past we were just looking for safety and didn't dare to do any thing at all.


In My opinion, this book exposes truth that you cannot possible just ignore, a book that squeezes various fact of life into the most essential essence. The author dares to include the word Death in the title of his book. Offering deep and simple wisdom as a guide to life in order to realize the Noble nature of human existence.
Thank you for reading.
May 18,2024.
