5 Minute Freewrite - I Digress


All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.



Professor Stevens greeted his class then started discussing on today's topic. This is a topic that he majors his research on and this is something that he is really passionate on. He started by discussing the concepts of the topic so that the student can have a feel on what the topic actually is before he dive deeper to share with the class for them to better appreciate how important it is to learn more about this topic.

As he shared deeper, he went on to share with the class on the various projects that he was researching on and also try to inspire them to take on further studies to gather more knowledge on the discipline. While he went on and on, he did not realize he had drifted away from the topic he wanted to share for today. When he finally realized, he apologized to the class and said, "My apologies everyone, I digressed. Let come back to the topic."
