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In a recent survey conducted internally by HR, Sally indicated that she would want more discussions about her career and growth so as to be able to be more engaged in her work. And as such, her supervisor for a discussion with her.

As the discussion begin, Sally shared what she wanted and conveyed to her supervisor that it will be great for her to have career progression talks at least every half a year to keep check on her growth so that she know she is not derailing off course. Her supervisor shared that, it is good that she indicate this as there might be times when things go a little busy and end up such discussions are overlooked. But he also rest assured her that she is progressing well and at any point of time that she wishes to discuss, his doors are always open. This openness in discussing about career built trust within them and Sally thanked her supervisor for today's discussion and hope they will be able to discuss this more on a regular basis.
