While growing up as a young girl, I remember my dad had this huge bicycle, well he stopped cycling because he got a motorcycle and didn’t really have need for his bicycle anymore. As children, my siblings and I will always go to the backyard where my dad kept his bicycle to play with it and even do some engineering work on it, hehe. My dad had a manual Tyre pump, personally, that was my favorite thing to do when playing with the bicycle because I was scared of height and that bicycle was just too huge and heavy for me to even attempt riding it.

One thing I always did was to lessen the tyres so I will have a job to do by pumping it back up, hehe. My younger brother was more concerned with the chain that connects both tyres together. Basically, we literally learned all the little details of how a local bicycle works and it was nice. When we became much older, we went to stay with my grandma and we got to find out that riding a bicycle doesn’t really requires long legs and small bicycle size because we saw children who we were even far taller than and older than riding the size of my dad’s old bicycle.

I was totally in awe that I couldn’t help but watch how these kids pedal a bicycle that is way bigger than them. Wait, that’s not all, these children also have the mind of carrying their younger siblings too! At some point I remember yelling because I thought one of them was going to fall down but nah, it was all in my head. Seeing them, I made a resolve to learn how to pedal a bicycle and I started making conscious effort towards it but then I failed at every trial because I was already older and it was as if my fear of heights also grew older.

And besides that, I could barely really find the time to learn then because I had to help my grandma at the farm which takes quite a lot of time, so when I’m back home, I’m most times really tired so I’d always prefer to get a good sleep instead. Till date, I’d always admire kids who learn how to pedal a bicycle at a very young age because I believe it helps children build this confidence especially when it comes to riding or driving on the road.

Well, I believe that as long as I’m still healthy, I can always learn how to ride a bicycle and I’m still going to make conscious effort towards it. I already have most of the basic knowledge of how a bike works, what I need now is the confidence to step on those pedals and just keep going. I know I would have been really good at cycling if I came a little earlier when dad was still pedaling around but unfortunately I only came when he cares less about his bicycle.

I was communicating recently to someone about my plans of still learning how to pedal a bicycle and she gave me quite a handful of tips (just 2 though but I find them really useful) that would help me if I get the opportunity to start learning and I’m just going to share it with whoever is like me, hehe. The first tip was that I should make sure my legs can find a good balance on the ground when on the bicycle as that would help me be more comfortable and confident. And the second one, she mentioned having a brake so when it gets hard at first you can easily pull the brake.

Thank you for stopping by, it’s a pleasure sharing this with you. Do have a lovely weekend ahead ❤️.

Thumbnail used was designed and gotten from Canva and the second image is mine


Dad's old bicycle, I remember those days haha. I see you're making some confession today, lessen the tyres to use the pump? 👀 I think I should call dad today 🤣

I hope you'll get to learn how to ride soon, it ain't so hard at all. Just some small falling and getting back up to continue 😂
Good luck with those tips you got already!


Ewooo 😂🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️

What are you doing here? I mean, how did you get here oo? 😂

For real, those days were good. I remember Brother Alex always telling us to leave there 😂.

I know you don’t like me 😭, me I don’t want to be falling and getting up 😂


You will ask questions tire, I've come I've come 😂

Very stubborn children, they hear "leave there" as "stay there" 🤣

I like you that's why I'm telling the possible truth you'll find riding a bicycle for first time 🙃


For real! Children sha 😂😂

Aw, so twit (sweet) 😁.

Well, I have fall and get up, now it’s to just ride Abeg 🤓.


Learning how to ride a bike isn't so hard, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it when you start.
