
After a stressful journey back to school, I quickly arranged my clothes and a few things I was given in kinds. I had a cold bath and luckily for me, my roommate volunteered to cook for us. She prepared something nice but it was quite spicy and I enjoyed it anyways. Immediately I was done eating, I chatted a little in the City of Neoxian discord server and then retired the bed to get a good rest. It's been a long time I rested for straight 6 hours and it was really nice.

Today being Monday, I decided to go to school to inquire about some things about my new level and also to check the update on a letter I submitted for a missing result. Walking down to school was tiring because the sun was hot and scorching. I was lucky enough to have an umbrella but it wasn't really fun to use because I had the turn it off at intervals because of the route I used. I first went to make inquires about the entrepreneural course I would be doing and I was told registrations is yet to commence.

For my entrepreneural course, I plan to register to learn crocheting and I hope I'll be lucky enough to get it. I have always admire those who make these crochet stuffs and I'll be really happy if I can learn how to start making some too. While I was coming out of the building, I saw a place for photography and music production too. It was so cool and I was tempted to want to change my mind but I convinced myself to stick with the crocheting. I will only consider any of those two if the crocheting department is full.

After I was done there, I went the check on the letter I submitted. To my surprise, I was told that my letter was no where to be found and I will have the write another one. I was pained and frustrated because the process of writing another letter wasn't an easy one. I will have to give it to my HOD to approve of it first and that won't be really easy since he is not always at his office. I went ahead the get the letter but when I got to my HOD's office, I couldn't find him. I was told he was in a meeting.

After feeling self pity, I shooked it off and headed back home to prepare to go again the next day. I really hope tomorrow will be a lot better because it won't be nice if I stress myself again and still get no results. My faculty seems to have been waiting for me to come so they can do what they know how to do best but I will try my best not to lose hope of a better semester ahead.

Again, when I got back home, my roomie already cooked beans and plantain for lunch. That made me feel really happy that I totally forgot all the stress I faced some hours ago. After I finished eating, I couldn't wait for some minutes before I started feeling sleepy. I tried the stay awake for about 10 minutes then I slept off. When I woke up, I felt a bit better but still tired. I plan to go back to bed some minutes after I make this post so I can completely get rid of this tiredness I'm feeling.

That's a brief rundown of how my day went. Over all, I'd say it wasn't a bad day at all because I was able too rest well and also eat well.

Thanks for reading through. ❤️

Images used are mine

0.000 NEOXAG


I love the idea of learning to crochet!Let me know how it goes if you get into the class.And fingers crossed for that missing letter administrative snafus are the worst!

0.000 NEOXAG

Hi darling, don't worry, all will be sorted out today. So, you've resumed back to school..that's good. I wish you all the best dear. Thanks to having a good roommate who helped prepare some foods for you when you returned from your journey and after school yesterday. Wish you success, dear 😘 ❤️
By the way, I love your picture and your outfit 😍

0.000 NEOXAG

Yes, mama. I have resumed o. 🥹
I’m really lucky to have a roommate like her.
Thanks for the compliment, I’m glad you like my outfit. 🤭

0.000 NEOXAG